Log shipping Primary to Secondary TUF file

  • On one server I follow the same general idea to cya 2 production databases. I make a full back up of both nightly (mid 50 gig in size). I truncate the log file nightly as well. There is log shipping form this primary to a secondary server. Primary server works fine.

    Secondary server receives logs and restores them fine for one of the dbs and fails every morning on the other db.

    Both have identical jobs at the same time. Different partners in the same business running the same app against different dbs.

    I see multiple lines in the log. First is the setup and the send is the error:


    2009-07-08 07:15:00.51Retrieved database restore settings. Secondary Database: '_prod', Restore Delay: 0, Restore All: True, Restore Mode: Standby, Disconnect Users: False, Last Restored File: \logbackup\_prod_20090708054500.trn, Block Size: Not Specified, Buffer Count: Not Specified, Max Transfer Size: Not Specified


    2009-07-08 07:15:00.70*** Error: Could not apply log backup file '\\logbackup\_prod_20090708061500.trn' to secondary database '_prod'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***

    2009-07-08 07:15:00.70*** Error: This log cannot be restored because a gap in the log chain was created. Use more recent data backups to bridge the gap.

    RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) ***

    I see a .tuf file at 12:45 am. and that is for the backup process and I get it for both dbs.

    I then have a 75 meg log wich is normal for the nightly posting process.

    after that I see normal logs coming in on both systems.

    Why would one crud out and the other NOT?


  • This can help


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  • I understand what that file is, I just cannot gather why it could/would stop the restore on one machine and not the other?

    That is my dilemma.

  • Hi,

    May I ask why you are Truncating the database log file of the Primary Database if you are taking regular transaction log backups?

    To confirm your environment setup also. From my understanding of the information you have provided.

    - You have a Primary Database.

    - You have a "single" job carrying out Transaction Log backups of the Primary Database?

    - You have a "single" copy job moving the data to a shared folder where the Secondary Databases, SQL Server Agent can access it.

    - You have two restore jobs restoring a Secondary Database and a Third Database.

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