If 0 then discard/skip record (line item) in results

  • I'm writing a report and I'd like to be able to not show a result if a certain field is less than or equal to zero.

    I don't even know where to start on this because I'm new to sql and I just haven't come across that example so far in documentation I've read.

    If someone can post pseudo code using Northwind or pubs tables, I might be able to figure it out from there.



  • If

    WHERE FieldName > 0

    is what you need?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I guess I'm so new to sql, I don't know how to phrase the question.

    The script I've written so far is returning something like...

    visit_id pmt_amt

    6854 89.92

    6854 -89.92

    7387 275.00

    8103 75.85

    8275 46.51

    8712 505.50

    8712 -505.50

    6854 150.75

    6854 -150.75

    7387 -275.00

    I'm trying to group visit_id's but I'm not having any success in the grouping but I'm still reading things I'm finding on grouping. I can't figure out how to do the grouping in QA but I know how to do that in Crystal Reports by throwing the sql code in as a command. I'd really like to figure that out for QA.

    Anyway, I'm trying to sum the pmt field and anything that comes up less than or equal to zero, I don't want it showing. Can that be done?

  • Two quick methods. The second one only if you need the negative total as well....

    Method #1 - "include only credits"

    select visit_ID, sum(pmt_amt) from [yourtablename] where pmt_amt>=0 GROUP BY visit_ID

    Method #2 "tabulate debits and credits separately

    select visit_ID, sum(case when pmt_amt>0 then pmt_amt else 0 end) as creditamt,

    sum(case when pmt_amt>0 then 0 else pmt_amt end) as debitamt

    from [yourtablename]

    GROUP BY visit_ID

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I've tried method #1 and it gives the exact same results as my example in my previous post. I'll try method #2.

  • one sec - you want only want TOTALS greater than zero? or only add up the positive lineitems?

    If you only want positive totals, that's a little different - that's a HAVING statement (not WHERE).

    select visit_ID, sum(pmt_amt) from [yourtablename] GROUP BY visit_ID

    HAVING sum(pmt_amt)>0

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I want numbers summed up that have the same visit_id and if > 0, I'd like it listed. I'll try HAVING. Thanks.

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