How to track old values

  • Hi,

    create table dbo.example


    num int

    ,name varchar(10)

    ,age int

    ,sal float


    insert into dbo.example

    select 1,'fff',24,10000 union all

    select 2,'ggg',25,20000 union all

    select 3,'hhh',26,30000 union all

    select 4,'jjj',27,40000


    create view dbo.vw_example with schemabinding







    from dbo.example


    -- updating one field

    update dbo.example

    set name='zzz'

    where num=1


    when any field from table gets update

    I need to select

    with entire row with old value and

    with entire row with new value

    as below.....

    status num name sal

    old 1fff2410000

    new 1zzz2410000

    can i guide me how can i track old value...

    actual requirement is one view depends on 10+ tables.

    any filed from any table gets update from front end application .

    when i run that view I need show with entire row old value and with entire row with new value

    can I go for triggers on views.

  • In SS2K5 you could use a trigger and insert the the data of the internal tables INSERTED and DELETED into an audit table.

    Your view would be based on the 10 audit tables.

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