High-Performance Transact-SQL with Window Functions

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item High-Performance Transact-SQL with Window Functions

  • You have chosen a strange title for the article. It`s starts with "High-Performance..." but there is no performance comparison between Windowed Functions and other approaches. The article itself is interesting and might be very cognitive, but its title is a bit confusing.

  • How does the optimiser handle these querys/techniques vs standard methods?

  • OldFashionGang - Thank you for your comment. Next time I will try to choose a better title

  • davidadlington78 - maybe next article will be about this.

  • This is the simplest and most straight forward example for gaps and islands that I have ever seen. Thank you VERY much for posting.

  • /* Occam says, do we really need these new T-SQL constructs? And, when delivering a solution, anticipate that the client may ask some follow-on questions. Thus, it's often worth the I/O and table space to save the intermediate results.


    alter table dbo.T1 add seq int identity, prevStep int, nextStep int, stepType varchar(10)


    update t1

    set prevstep=0

    where seq=1

    update a

    set prevstep=abs(b.col1-a.col1)

    from t1 a

    join t1 b

    on a.seq=b.seq+1

    where a.prevstep is null

    update a

    set nextstep=b.col1-a.col1

    from t1 a

    join t1 b

    on a.seq=b.seq-1

    update t1

    set steptype =


    when (prevstep=0 or prevstep > 1) and (nextstep > 1 or nextstep is null) then 'begin/end'

    when prevstep=0 or prevstep > 1 then 'begin'

    when prevstep=1 and nextstep=1 then 'middle'

    else 'end'


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.T1_islands', 'U') IS NOT NULL drop table t1_islands

    select col1 as beginIsland

    , case steptype when 'begin/end' then col1 else 0 end as endIsland

    into t1_islands

    from t1

    where steptype like 'begin%'

    update i

    set endIsland=b.col1

    from t1 a

    join t1_islands i

    on a.col1 = i.beginIsland

    join t1 b

    on b.seq=(select min(seq) from t1 where steptype='end' and seq > a.seq)

    where i.endIsland = 0

    select * from t1_islands

    --find the biggest islands

    select beginIsland,endIsland

    from t1_islands

    where endIsland-beginIsland = (select max(endIsland-beginIsland) from t1_islands)

    --find the biggest gaps between islands

    select max(nextstep) from t1

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."

  • Dense_Rank() would be a better choice for your windowing function as it would permit duplicate values to exist in your data islands.

    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

  • OldFashionGang (12/2/2013)

    You have chosen a strange title for the article. It`s starts with "High-Performance..." but there is no performance comparison between Windowed Functions and other approaches. The article itself is interesting and might be very cognitive, but its title is a bit confusing.

    I have to agree with the above. In your article, you indicate that this:

    SELECT orderid, custid, val,

    CAST(100. * val / SUM(val) OVER(PARTITION BY custid) AS NUMERIC(5, 2)) AS pctcust,

    val - AVG(val) OVER(PARTITION BY custid) AS diffcust,

    CAST(100. * val / SUM(val) OVER() AS NUMERIC(5, 2)) AS pctall,

    val - AVG(val) OVER() AS diffall

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues;

    Is equivalent to this:

    WITH CustAggregates AS


    SELECT custid, SUM(val) AS sumval, AVG(val) AS avgval

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues

    GROUP BY custid


    GrandAggregates AS


    SELECT SUM(val) AS sumval, AVG(val) AS avgval

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues


    SELECT O.orderid, O.custid, O.val,

    CAST(100. * O.val / CA.sumval AS NUMERIC(5, 2)) AS pctcust,

    O.val - CA.avgval AS diffcust,

    CAST(100. * O.val / GA.sumval AS NUMERIC(5, 2)) AS pctall,

    O.val - GA.avgval AS diffall

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues AS O

    JOIN CustAggregates AS CA

    ON O.custid = CA.custid

    CROSS JOIN GrandAggregates AS GA;

    Which from the perspective of output results is true. Now try the following 1,000,000 row test harness:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tb_OrderValues') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE tb_OrderValues;


    CREATE TABLE tb_OrderValues(

    orderid int,

    custid int,

    empid int,

    shipperid int,

    orderdate datetime,

    requireddate datetime,

    shippeddate datetime,

    qty int,

    val numeric(12, 2)


    WITH Tally (n) AS



    FROM sys.all_columns a CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns b


    INSERT INTO tb_OrderValues

    SELECT a.n, b.n, 100*a.n, 100*b.n

    ,CAST('2006-01-01' AS DATETIME)+a.n-1

    ,CAST('2006-01-01' AS DATETIME)+a.n+60

    ,CAST('2006-01-01' AS DATETIME)+a.n+30



    FROM Tally a

    CROSS APPLY Tally b;


    @orderid int,

    @custid int,

    @pctcust NUMERIC(5,2),

    @diffcust numeric(12, 2),

    @pctall NUMERIC(5,2),

    @diffall numeric(12, 2),

    @shippeddate datetime,

    @qty int,

    @val numeric(12, 2);

    PRINT 'Pre-aggregate';


    WITH CustAggregates AS


    SELECT custid, SUM(val) AS sumval, AVG(val) AS avgval

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues

    GROUP BY custid


    GrandAggregates AS


    SELECT SUM(val) AS sumval, AVG(val) AS avgval

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues


    SELECT @orderid=O.orderid, @custid=O.custid, @val=O.val,

    @pctcust=CAST(100. * O.val / CA.sumval AS NUMERIC(5, 2)), -- AS pctcust,

    @diffcust=O.val - CA.avgval, -- AS diffcust,

    @pctall=CAST(100. * O.val / GA.sumval AS NUMERIC(5, 2)), -- AS pctall,

    @diffall=O.val - GA.avgval -- AS diffall

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues AS O

    JOIN CustAggregates AS CA

    ON O.custid = CA.custid

    CROSS JOIN GrandAggregates AS GA;


    PRINT 'Aggregate window functions';


    SELECT @orderid=orderid, @custid=custid, @val=val,

    @pctcust=CAST(100. * val / SUM(val) OVER(PARTITION BY custid) AS NUMERIC(5, 2)), -- AS pctcust,

    @diffcust=val - AVG(val) OVER(PARTITION BY custid), -- AS diffcust,

    @pctall=CAST(100. * val / SUM(val) OVER() AS NUMERIC(5, 2)), -- AS pctall,

    @diffall=val - AVG(val) OVER() --AS diffall

    FROM dbo.tb_OrderValues;



    DROP TABLE tb_OrderValues;

    The timing results produce the following:

    (1000000 row(s) affected)


    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 4494 ms, elapsed time = 2507 ms.

    Aggregate window functions

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 11716 ms, elapsed time = 8533 ms.

    Which indicates the approach that pre-aggregates is more that 70% faster than the window aggregates.

    I've generally found this to be the case.

    You should write every query as if it will be executed 1,000,000 times per day on 1,000,000 rows of data.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

  • Having just skimmed over this posting, I'm not sure that this is relevant, but have you looked at the "quirky update" method. Yes, it's a bit dirty, but if you must have performance, then it's worth trying.

    See: Solving the Running Total and Ordinal Rank Problems: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/68467

  • This article is a complete ripoff from Itzik Ben-Gan's book Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions! Nowhere is there any credits to the original author ... Shame, shame, shame!

    Large parts of the text and some of the code examples are an exact copy/paste from the book. See for yourself: http://it-ebooks.info/book/1140/

    What's SQLServerCentrals opinion on plagiarism?

    PS. Buy the book written by Itzik Ben-Gan, I did it and it's definitely worth it!

  • GordonLiddy (12/3/2013)

    This article is a complete ripoff from Itzik Ben-Gan's book Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions! Nowhere is there any credits to the original author ... Shame, shame, shame!

    Large parts of the text and some of the code examples are an exact copy/paste from the book. See for yourself: http://it-ebooks.info/book/1140/

    What's SQLServerCentrals opinion on plagiarism?

    PS. Buy the book written by Itzik Ben-Gan, I did it and it's definitely worth it!

    I have alerted the SSC editor. Have not read the book unfortunately.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

  • People reading this thread: Beware! As GordonLiddy noted a few posts earlier, the text of this article is a direct copy/paste from Itzik Ben-Gan's fantastic book "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions", Chapter 1 (the only changes I saw were table names being changed in the examples). You can see this for yourself - go to http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Server-High-Performance-Window-Functions/dp/0735658366 and utilize the "Look Inside" feature to browse Chapter 1.

    While you're at that link, just go ahead and order the book. If you're interested in this "article", you'll love the book. It's worth it.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • I have removed the article and linked to the book.

    My apologies for the issues.

  • The good news is I still learned something very valuable and ultimately found a more credible resource.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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