Detect duplicates with custom rule and update a row according to date

  • The strucutre of the table is:

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData]

    ([Package Grp No]


    ,[Package Item No]

    ,[Opportunity Name]

    ,[Opportunity Stage]

    ,[Course Start Date]

    ,[Opportunity ID]

    ,[Group: ID]




    (<Package Grp No, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Account, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Package Item No, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Opportunity Name, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Opportunity Stage, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Course Start Date, datetime,>

    ,<Opportunity ID, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<Group: ID, nvarchar(255),>

    ,<PackageID, nvarchar(255),>


    The data is:

    PGN-0312638,aa, PIT-0068897,000725G, Invoiced, 30/9/2009, 0062000000Af3Wx ,a0520000007P1fb ,a0E200000046Xsm

    PGN-0312638,aa, PIT-0068898,001920G, Offer Declined by Student, 20/7/2010, 0062000000Af3ZN ,a0520000007P1fb ,a0E200000046Xsn

    PGN-0312639,bb, PIT-0068899,062024A, Invoiced, 7/3/2011, 0062000000Af7To ,a0520000007P59f ,a0E200000046efk

    PGN-0312639,bb, PIT-0068900,059619M, Invoiced, 7/12/2009, 0062000000AeX5V, a0520000007P59f, a0E200000046efl

    PGN-0312640,cc, PIT-0068902,063957C, 9 - Conditional COE Received, 7/2/2011, 0062000000Af7lx, a0520000007P59p ,a0E200000046egy

    PGN-0312640,cc, PIT-0068901,061399M, 9 - Conditional COE Received, 6/2/2013, 0062000000Af7n1, a0520000007P59p, a0E200000046egx

    PGN-0312641,dd, PIT-0068903,003896G ,Invoiced, 1/3/2010, 0062000000Af7na, a0520000007P59z ,a0E200000046ehC

    PGN-0312641,dd, PIT-0068904,013905G, 9 - Conditional COE Received , 19/7/2010, 00620000007iFxT, a0520000007P59z, a0E200000046ehD

    PGN-0312642,ee, PIT-0068905,061397B, 9 - Conditional COE Received , 26/7/2010, 0062000000Af842, a0520000007P5Ai, a0E200000046el6

    PGN-0312642,ee, PIT-0068906,032417K, Invoiced, 4/1/2010, 0062000000Af859 ,a0520000007P5Ai, a0E200000046el7

    PGN-0312643,ff, PIT-0068907,053607G, 11 - Finalised 7/6/2010, 0062000000Af91C ,a0520000007P5Ax, a0E200000046emv

    PGN-0312643,ff, PIT-0068908,032410F, 11 - Finalised 4/1/2010, 0062000000Af8E9, a0520000007P5Ax, a0E200000046emw

    PGN-0312643,ff, PIT-0068909,006487A, 10 - Unconditional Offer Accepted, 25/7/2011, 0062000000Af9rJ, a0520000007P5Ax ,a0E200000046emx

    The defeniton for duplicatess:

    if [Package Grp No] and [Account] are same and no other [Package Grp No] for that account, that record consider as the duplicate.

    so the first two rows as duplicates as per my law.

    Then for that duplicates we need to update the following fields according to the [Opportunity Stage] and [Course Start Date]

    1. Update Accept_Offer__c ='True'

    2.Update Offer_Letter_Name__c= The first [opportunity name] in the package base on the [course start date]- That means the Min([course start date]) group by [Package Grp No] and [Account]

    3. for other opportunities in this group, if

    [Opportunity Stage]=6, then set to 10

    [Opportunity Stage]=7, then set to 8

    Please help to fix it.

  • i tried this proc to add a serial number and updating one field, but just thinking how can i update the other three fields..

    Please give ur thoughts.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Update_S]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here




    DECLARE @PrevPakageGroupID varchar(255)

    DECLARE @account varchar(255)

    DECLARE @ItemSrNoCount INT

    DECLARE @AcceptOffer bit

    DECLARE @stagevalue varchar(255)

    -- update the serial number

    UPDATE dbo.test

    SET @ItemSrNoCount = ItemSrNo =


    WHEN [Package Grp No] = @PrevPakageGroupID

    THEN @ItemSrNoCount + 1

    ELSE 1


    @PrevPakageGroupID = [Package Grp No] FROM dbo.test WITH (TABLOCKX) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)

    -- update the true field

    UPDATE dbo.PackageData

    SET @AcceptOffer = [Update Accept_Offer__c] =


    WHEN [Package Grp No] = @PrevPakageGroupID

    THEN 0

    ELSE 1


    @PrevPakageGroupID = [Package Grp No] FROM dbo.PackageData WITH (TABLOCKX) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)


    -- what can i do for updating the other fields???


  • Please set up your data as a series of INSERT statements, this will help users to begin work on your problem.



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • The sample data as per your request is:

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312638','aa', 'PIT-0068898','001920G', 'Offer Declined by Student', '20/7/2010', '0062000000Af3ZN' ,'a0520000007P1fb' ,'a0E200000046Xsn')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb',' PIT-0068899','062024A','Invoiced', '7/3/2011', ' 0062000000Af7To' ,'a0520000007P59f' ,'a0E200000046efk')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb', 'PIT-0068900','059619M', 'Invoiced', '7/12/2009',' 0062000000AeX5V', 'a0520000007P59f', 'a0E200000046efl')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068902','063957C', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received', '7/2/2011', ' 0062000000Af7lx', 'a0520000007P59p' ,'a0E200000046egy')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068901','061399M', '9 - Conditional COE Received', '6/2/2013', ' 0062000000Af7n1', 'a0520000007P59p',' a0E200000046egx')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068903','003896G' ,'Invoiced', ' 1/3/2010', '0062000000Af7na', 'a0520000007P59z' ,'a0E200000046ehC')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068904','013905G', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received ' , '19/7/2010', '00620000007iFxT', 'a0520000007P59z',' a0E200000046ehD')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee', 'PIT-0068905','061397B', '9 - Conditional COE Received' , '26/7/2010', '0062000000Af842', 'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el6')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee',' PIT-0068906','032417K', 'Invoiced', '4/1/2010', '0062000000Af859' ,'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el7')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068907','053607G', '11 - Finalised ', '7/6/2010', '0062000000Af91C' ,'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emv')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068908','032410F', '11 - Finalised', '4/1/2010', ' 0062000000Af8E9', 'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emw')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068909','006487A', '10 - Unconditional Offer Accepted', '25/7/2011', '0062000000Af9rJ', 'a0520000007P5Ax' ,'a0E200000046emx')

  • Biz (1/17/2010)

    The sample data as per your request is:

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312638','aa', 'PIT-0068898','001920G', 'Offer Declined by Student', '20/7/2010', '0062000000Af3ZN' ,'a0520000007P1fb' ,'a0E200000046Xsn')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb',' PIT-0068899','062024A','Invoiced', '7/3/2011', ' 0062000000Af7To' ,'a0520000007P59f' ,'a0E200000046efk')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb', 'PIT-0068900','059619M', 'Invoiced', '7/12/2009',' 0062000000AeX5V', 'a0520000007P59f', 'a0E200000046efl')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068902','063957C', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received', '7/2/2011', ' 0062000000Af7lx', 'a0520000007P59p' ,'a0E200000046egy')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068901','061399M', '9 - Conditional COE Received', '6/2/2013', ' 0062000000Af7n1', 'a0520000007P59p',' a0E200000046egx')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068903','003896G' ,'Invoiced', ' 1/3/2010', '0062000000Af7na', 'a0520000007P59z' ,'a0E200000046ehC')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068904','013905G', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received ' , '19/7/2010', '00620000007iFxT', 'a0520000007P59z',' a0E200000046ehD')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee', 'PIT-0068905','061397B', '9 - Conditional COE Received' , '26/7/2010', '0062000000Af842', 'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el6')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee',' PIT-0068906','032417K', 'Invoiced', '4/1/2010', '0062000000Af859' ,'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el7')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068907','053607G', '11 - Finalised ', '7/6/2010', '0062000000Af91C' ,'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emv')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068908','032410F', '11 - Finalised', '4/1/2010', ' 0062000000Af8E9', 'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emw')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[SrID],[Update Accept_Offer__c] ,[Offer_Letter_Name__c],[New Stage] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068909','006487A', '10 - Unconditional Offer Accepted', '25/7/2011', '0062000000Af9rJ', 'a0520000007P5Ax' ,'a0E200000046emx')

    Msg 109, Level 15, State 1, Line 12

    There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.

    Also, there are more columns in the INSERT statement than exist in the table.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I tested this one and working fine for me.please check.

    I really need to get a help ASAP if u can.INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312638','aa', 'PIT-0068898','001920G', 'Offer Declined by Student', '2010/07/20', '0062000000Af3ZN' ,'a0520000007P1fb' ,'a0E200000046Xsn')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb',' PIT-0068899','062024A','Invoiced', '2011/03/07', ' 0062000000Af7To' ,'a0520000007P59f' ,'a0E200000046efk')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312639','bb', 'PIT-0068900','059619M', 'Invoiced', '2009/12/07',' 0062000000AeX5V', 'a0520000007P59f', 'a0E200000046efl')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068902','063957C', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received', '2011/02/07', ' 0062000000Af7lx', 'a0520000007P59p' ,'a0E200000046egy')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312640','cc', 'PIT-0068901','061399M', '9 - Conditional COE Received', '2013/02/06', ' 0062000000Af7n1', 'a0520000007P59p',' a0E200000046egx')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068903','003896G' ,'Invoiced', '2010/03/01', '0062000000Af7na', 'a0520000007P59z' ,'a0E200000046ehC')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312641','dd', 'PIT-0068904','013905G', ' 9 - Conditional COE Received ' , '2010/07/19', '00620000007iFxT', 'a0520000007P59z',' a0E200000046ehD')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee', 'PIT-0068905','061397B', '9 - Conditional COE Received' , '2010/07/26', '0062000000Af842', 'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el6')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312642','ee',' PIT-0068906','032417K', 'Invoiced', '2010/01/04', '0062000000Af859' ,'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el7')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068907','053607G', '11 - Finalised ', '2010/06/07', '0062000000Af91C' ,'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emv')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068908','032410F', '11 - Finalised', '2010/01/04', ' 0062000000Af8E9', 'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emw')

    INSERT INTO [SF].[dbo].[PackageData1] ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID]) VALUES ('PGN-0312643','ff', 'PIT-0068909','006487A', '10 - Unconditional Offer Accepted', '2011/07/25', '0062000000Af9rJ', 'a0520000007P5Ax' ,'a0E200000046emx')

  • Hi Biz

    Can you please run the following code and identify those rows which you call Duplicates?

    I've rehashed the sample data so that it's now a temporary table.

    -- Set up sample data


    DROP TABLE #PackageData

    CREATE TABLE #PackageData

    ([Package Grp No] nvarchar(255),

    [Account] nvarchar(255),

    [Package Item No] nvarchar(255),

    [Opportunity Name] nvarchar(255),

    [Opportunity Stage] nvarchar(255),

    [Course Start Date] datetime,

    [Opportunity ID] nvarchar(255),

    [Group: ID] nvarchar(255),

    [PackageID] nvarchar(255) )

    INSERT INTO #PackageData ([Package Grp No] ,[Account] ,[Package Item No] ,[Opportunity Name],[Opportunity Stage],[Course Start Date],[Opportunity ID],[Group: ID],[PackageID])

    SELECT 'PGN-0312638', 'aa', 'PIT-0068898', '001920G', 'Offer Declined by Student', '2010/07/20', '0062000000Af3ZN' ,'a0520000007P1fb' ,'a0E200000046Xsn' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312639', 'bb', 'PIT-0068899', '062024A', 'Invoiced', '2011/03/07', ' 0062000000Af7To' ,'a0520000007P59f' ,'a0E200000046efk' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312639', 'bb', 'PIT-0068900', '059619M', 'Invoiced', '2009/12/07',' 0062000000AeX5V', 'a0520000007P59f', 'a0E200000046efl' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312640', 'cc', 'PIT-0068902', '063957C', '9 - Conditional COE Received', '2011/02/07', ' 0062000000Af7lx', 'a0520000007P59p', 'a0E200000046egy' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312640', 'cc', 'PIT-0068901', '061399M', '9 - Conditional COE Received', '2013/02/06', ' 0062000000Af7n1', 'a0520000007P59p', 'a0E200000046egx' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312641', 'dd', 'PIT-0068903', '003896G', 'Invoiced', '2010/03/01', '0062000000Af7na', 'a0520000007P59z' ,'a0E200000046ehC' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312641', 'dd', 'PIT-0068904', '013905G', '9 - Conditional COE Received ' , '2010/07/19', '00620000007iFxT', 'a0520000007P59z', 'a0E200000046ehD' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312642', 'ee', 'PIT-0068905', '061397B', '9 - Conditional COE Received' , '2010/07/26', '0062000000Af842', 'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el6' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312642', 'ee', 'PIT-0068906', '032417K', 'Invoiced', '2010/01/04', '0062000000Af859' ,'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el7' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312645', 'ee', 'PIT-0068906', '032417K', 'Invoiced', '2010/01/04', '0062000000Af859' ,'a0520000007P5Ai', 'a0E200000046el7' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312643', 'ff', 'PIT-0068907', '053607G', '11 - Finalised ', '2010/06/07', '0062000000Af91C' ,'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emv' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312643', 'ff', 'PIT-0068908', '032410F', '11 - Finalised', '2010/01/04', ' 0062000000Af8E9', 'a0520000007P5Ax', 'a0E200000046emw' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'PGN-0312643', 'ff', 'PIT-0068909', '006487A', '10 - Unconditional Offer Accepted', '2011/07/25', '0062000000Af9rJ', 'a0520000007P5Ax' , 'a0E200000046emx'


    /* check it

    SELECT [Package Grp No],


    [Package Item No],

    [Opportunity Name],

    [Opportunity Stage],

    [Course Start Date],

    [Opportunity ID],

    [Group: ID],


    FROM #PackageData -- (13 row(s) affected)


    -- \Set up sample data

    SELECT [Package Grp No], [Account], [Row_Count] = COUNT(*)

    FROM #PackageData

    GROUP BY [Package Grp No], [Account]

    ORDER BY [Package Grp No], [Account]



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • The rowcount >1 is the duplicates for me.

    so the duplicates are:






  • Any help please??

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