• hi guys, i have a table this way:

    id keyword

    1 banana

    2 apple

    3 cherry

    4 orange

    5 orange

    6 apple

    7 orange

    8 melon

    9 blackberry

    10 orange

    11 orange

    12 orange

    13 melon

    14 melon

    15 melon

    16 melon

    and i want this table to look this way:

    id keyword

    1 banana

    2 apple

    3 cherry

    4 orange

    6 apple

    7 orange

    8 melon

    9 blackberry

    10 orange

    13 melon

    how do i write the right sql statement for that?

    thanks for any help.

  • Started off making this harder than it was. here is the code I came up (also note how I set everything up, as this is how you should post your questions):

    create table dbo.Word (

    WordId int,

    KeyWord varchar(16)


    insert into dbo.Word

    select 1, 'banana' union all

    select 2, 'apple' union all

    select 3, 'cherry' union all

    select 4, 'orange' union all

    select 5, 'orange' union all

    select 6, 'apple' union all

    select 7, 'orange' union all

    select 8, 'melon' union all

    select 9, 'blackberry' union all

    select 10, 'orange' union all

    select 11, 'orange' union all

    select 12, 'orange' union all

    select 13, 'melon' union all

    select 14, 'melon' union all

    select 15, 'melon' union all

    select 16, 'melon';




    dbo.Word w1

    left outer join dbo.Word w2

    on w1.WordId = w2.WordId + 1


    w1.KeyWord coalesce(w2.KeyWord,'');

    drop table dbo.Word;

  • thanks very much lynn, i will try that.

    have a nice day.

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