create YTD in a Table

  • I want to obtain an YTD value for every year and on the same row I have to put the ytd value of previous year .

    I have this table:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_1](

    [cod] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [year] [int] NULL,

    [month] [tinyint] NULL,

    [value] [float] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into Table_1 values ('cod1',2011,1,100)

    insert into Table_1 values ('cod1',2011,2,150)

    insert into Table_1 values ('cod1',2011,3,200)

    insert into Table_1 values ('cod1',2012,1,100)

    insert into Table_1 values ('cod1',2012,2,180)

    I must obtain a new table :

    cod|year|month|value|value pp|







    Anybody can help me?

    Is it a simpler way to do this in SSIS too?

    Thank you

  • It seems odd you want to store this values in the table.

    This means values of a row are dependant on other rows. Not sure this is good design.

    For example, if you add a record for a year, you have to update other records of the same year to reflect the YTD and you need to update one record of the next year.

    Usually these values are calculated for reporting and are thus calculated in a SELECT query and passed on to the report (or even calculated in the report itself).

    If you really want to store it in the table, you can issue two update statements against the table that will calculate the YTD and the previous period value from scratch.

    An example YTD query can be found here:

    Note: it will definately not be easier in SSIS.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • use below code:

    CREATE TABLE #Table(

    [cod] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [year] [int] NULL,

    [month] [tinyint] NULL,

    [value] [float] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into #Table values ('cod1',2011,1,100)

    insert into #Table values ('cod1',2011,2,150)

    insert into #Table values ('cod1',2011,3,200)

    insert into #Table values ('cod1',2012,1,100)

    insert into #Table values ('cod1',2012,2,180)

    select cod,year,month,sum(value) val

    into #temp1 from

    (select * from #Table t2


    select t2.cod,T2.year+1,t2.month,'' ppy from #Table t2

    WHERE T2.month not in(select isnull(t5.month,0) as month from #Table t5 where (T2.year-1)=T5.year)


    group by cod,year,month

    select cod,year,month,CASE WHEN val<>0 THEN val END val,(select SUM(t1.val) from #temp1 t1 WHERE (T2.year-1)=T1.year AND T2.month>=T1.month) AS PPY from #temp1 T2

  • Koen's nailed all the good reasons for not persisting this information. It's easy enough to calculate on the fly:

    -- This running total uses a triangular join.

    -- The performance of TJ's usually sucks. Depending

    -- on the maximum number of rows which are

    -- aggregated when month = 12, you may have to change

    -- this part of the query to a running totals rCTE

    -- or a Quirky Update

    ;WITH RunningTotals AS (

    SELECT t1.cod, t1.year, t1.month, [value] = x.value

    FROM Table_1 t1


    SELECT value = SUM(value)

    FROM Table_1 t2

    WHERE t2.cod = t1.cod

    AND t2.year = t1.year

    AND t2.month <= t1.month) x


    -- construct a matrix containing all cod/year/month values

    AllCodPeriods AS (





    FROM (SELECT month FROM RunningTotals GROUP BY month) AllMonths

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT year FROM RunningTotals GROUP BY year) AllYears

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT cod FROM RunningTotals GROUP BY cod) AllCods







    [value pp] = ly.value

    FROM AllCodPeriods matrix

    LEFT JOIN RunningTotals ty

    ON ty.cod = matrix.cod

    AND ty.year = matrix.year

    AND ty.month = matrix.month

    LEFT JOIN RunningTotals ly

    ON ly.cod = matrix.cod

    AND ly.year+1 = matrix.year

    AND ly.month = matrix.month

    -- here's an alternative using APPLY, which carries down

    -- the running total from 2012/2 to 2012/3.






    [value pp] = ly.value

    FROM (SELECT month FROM Table_1 GROUP BY month) AllMonths

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT year FROM Table_1 GROUP BY year) AllYears

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT cod FROM Table_1 GROUP BY cod) AllCods


    SELECT value = SUM(value)

    FROM Table_1 t2

    WHERE t2.cod = AllCods.cod

    AND t2.year = AllYears.year

    AND t2.month <= AllMonths.month

    ) ty


    SELECT value = SUM(value)

    FROM Table_1 t2

    WHERE t2.cod = AllCods.cod

    AND t2.year+1 = AllYears.year

    AND t2.month <= AllMonths.month

    ) ly

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • subbareddy542 (9/5/2012)

    use below code:


    After correcting [val].

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thank you everybody!

  • CELKO (9/5/2012)

    I want to obtain an YTD value for every year and on the same row I have to put the ytd value of previous year .

    Your DDL is not a table because it has no key, your split the date into parts, we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency. Here is teh DDL for a valid table and your query.


    (cod CHAR(10) NOT NULL,


    PRIMARY KEY (cod, foo_date),

    vague_value DECIMAL (12,5) NOT NULL);

    SELECT cod,



    ORDER BY foo_date ASC


    AS vague_value_runtot

    FROM Foobar;

    Mr C this is a 2008 forum.........

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • Andy Hyslop (9/5/2012)

    CELKO (9/5/2012)

    I want to obtain an YTD value for every year and on the same row I have to put the ytd value of previous year .

    Your DDL is not a table because it has no key, your split the date into parts, we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency. Here is teh DDL for a valid table and your query.


    (cod CHAR(10) NOT NULL,


    PRIMARY KEY (cod, foo_date),

    vague_value DECIMAL (12,5) NOT NULL);

    SELECT cod,



    ORDER BY foo_date ASC


    AS vague_value_runtot

    FROM Foobar;

    Mr C this is a 2008 forum.........

    Actually, he doesn't care.

  • Lynn Pettis (9/5/2012)

    Andy Hyslop (9/5/2012)

    CELKO (9/5/2012)

    I want to obtain an YTD value for every year and on the same row I have to put the ytd value of previous year .

    Your DDL is not a table because it has no key, your split the date into parts, we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency. Here is teh DDL for a valid table and your query.


    (cod CHAR(10) NOT NULL,


    PRIMARY KEY (cod, foo_date),

    vague_value DECIMAL (12,5) NOT NULL);

    SELECT cod,



    ORDER BY foo_date ASC


    AS vague_value_runtot

    FROM Foobar;

    Mr C this is a 2008 forum.........

    Actually, he doesn't care.

    Yeah I know Lynn ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • Since the table already contains the previous year's YTD totals, would a simple LEFT JOIN suffice to get the prior year's YTD total?


    t1curr.cod, t1curr.[year], t1curr.[month], t1curr.value, t1prev.value

    FROM dbo.Table_1 t1curr

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Table_1 t1prev ON

    t1prev.cod = t1curr.cod AND

    t1prev.[year] = t1curr.[year] - 1 AND

    t1prev.[month] = t1curr.[month]

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • CELKO (9/5/2012)

    we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency.

    You keep saying this, but I work (and have worked) with multiple companies that do use FLOAT (and use it quite well) because the other data types don't give them the information they need. The waste management industry, for instance, needs it to calculate tonnage and other items.

    Some people even use FLOAT for financial transactions.

    So I have two questions for you.

    1) Who is "we"?

    2) What currency laws are you referring to? Because if I'm breaking laws by supporting these databases, I'd really like to know before I end up in jail for the rest of my life.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (9/5/2012)

    CELKO (9/5/2012)

    we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency.

    You keep saying this, but I work (and have worked) with multiple companies that do use FLOAT (and use it quite well) because the other data types don't give them the information they need. The waste management industry, for instance, needs it to calculate tonnage and other items.

    Some people even use FLOAT for financial transactions.

    So I have two questions for you.

    1) Who is "we"?

    2) What currency laws are you referring to? Because if I'm breaking laws by supporting these databases, I'd really like to know before I end up in jail for the rest of my life.

    1) Who is "we"?

    Mr. Celko and his pet mouse (the one he keeps in his shirt pocket, you know, the one with the pocket protector).

    2) What currency laws are you referring to? Because if I'm breaking laws by supporting these databases, I'd really like to know before I end up in jail for the rest of my life.

    You have me on this one. My Google-fu fails on finding anything.

  • CELKO (9/5/2012)

    I want to obtain an YTD value for every year and on the same row I have to put the ytd value of previous year .

    Your DDL is not a table because it has no key, your split the date into parts, we do not use FLOAT in SQL because of rounding errors and the laws concerning currency. Here is teh DDL for a valid table and your query.


    (cod CHAR(10) NOT NULL,


    PRIMARY KEY (cod, foo_date),

    vague_value DECIMAL (12,5) NOT NULL);

    I've only rarely seen such drivel in my life. Float(1), Float(2),....Floaqt(52), and Float(53) are all part of the ISO SQL standard. The default precision for Float is 53. DECIMAL(12,5) has precision poorer than 40, so we can expect the rounding behaviour of FLOAT(53) to be around 4 decimal orders of magnitude better than the rounding behaviour of DECIMAL(12,5) even if DECIMAL(12,5) manages to avoid overflow (ie all results are less than 100,000,000, since that overflows DECIMAL(12,5)) which is perhaps unlikely. Non-mathematicians should not talk about rounding errors without first doing a little research to find out how rounding errors actually behave, and should try to avoid making elementary school errors about whether a particular type is capable of representing a useful range of values.

    There are of course representation issues with early versions of the floating point standard, but if I'm working only with numbers that can be represented exactly in floating point form those representation issues have no impact (so for example I should record euro cents, not euros, pence, not pounds, and so on, and then I'm safe as long as I don't need to do division by numbers with non-representable reciprocals - which is almost always the case in finance). Life would of course be much more pleasant if the SQL standards committee members could get their heads around the latest version of the floating point standard (it's been available for years now, but I understand it's not yet been looked at for SQL) and add FP with decimal-based exponent to the SQL type repertoire; that would eliminate at a stroke every representation issue that is not suffered also by the decimal types. Of course they should add a 128 bit form at the same time, and introduce full support of the standard's exception handling and error signalling. If my previous experience of SQL standardisation is anything to go by, it will take another couple of decades before any of this useful stuff gets into the standard (and I would guess, from the tone of your anti-float rant, that if the committees have members like you it will never happen, and we will be stuck with the criminally bizarre decimal types, a relic of COBOL days, for ever).

    Since most large banks, most merchant banks, and most really big companies do their finance using float rather than decimal, I believe that the laws to which you refer are a product of your misunderstanding of various financial regulations and have no real existence.

    Incidentally, who are the "we" to whom you refer? I'd like to know so that I will be aware, if I run into any of them, that I must totally distrust any pronouncement they make that has any matematical content beyond third grade, and remember to carefully check any assertions they make about laws and regulations.


  • To be fair, higher precision in intermediate calculations in complex equations can in fact cause errors rather than solving them.

    I'm certainly no authority on currency laws, so I can't speak to that.

    But, from a mathematics standpoint, suppose all intermediate results are supposed to be rounded to 4 decimal places, but instead you carry them out further, say to 8 places. You've changed the intermediate results, which with large multiples of iteration -- such as for interest calculations, etc. -- could change the final result from what it would have been with different rounding of intermediate calcs.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (9/5/2012)

    To be fair, higher precision in intermediate calculations in complex equations can in fact cause errors rather than solving them.

    yes, but here we are looking at a YTD calculation, which should involve only addition and no rounding.

    I'm certainly no authority on currency laws, so I can't speak to that.

    Neither am I, but I have come across some financial regulations and I am sure there was no ban on using floating point in any of it. Of course I don't know US rules, they may be different.

    But, from a mathematics standpoint, suppose all intermediate results are supposed to be rounded to 4 decimal places, but instead you carry them out further, say to 8 places. You've changed the intermediate results, which with large multiples of iteration -- such as for interest calculations, etc. -- could change the final result from what it would have been with different rounding of intermediate calcs.

    Yes, cases where rounding of intermediate results is required mean that if that rounding isn't automatic the flow has to be interrupted to allow it to be done; however, it's usually true that a point at which rounding is required is also a point for which a permanent record is required anyway, so that this is no big deal - flow is interrupted to create a permanent record, so the forced rounding doesn't add any extra interruptions. There may be cases where this isn't the case, but I haven't come across any such case.

    An interest calculation with large multiples of iteration is an interesting case - interest is usually defined over some fairly long period (a month, or a quarter, or half a year, or a year) and the rules for calculation and documentation generally mean that the number of interest steps applied in between recorded points is one, ie it's exactly the general case pointed out as usual above; if interest has to be calculated for less that a period, the relevant fraction of the base period is used, not iterations over some smaller unit than that fraction, so that doesn't involve any iteration either. So it seems odd for a case of large multiple iterations to happen in interest calculation - except of course where one is producing an illustration of total cost over a long period, where the neccessity for doing the rounding at each step can be a pain.


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