Are the posted questions getting worse?

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  • Jeff Moden wrote:

    skeleton567 wrote:

    ZZartin wrote:

    Steve Collins wrote:

    Welp, it seems worthwhile mentioning reputation points in an online forum, i.e. Stack Overflow, are a good way to enhance your resume.

    They're also a good way to show you spend a lot of time browsing stack over flow instead of working 😛

    My sentiments exactly.  That's the LAST place I'd look

    Every once in a while, I go strolling on StackOverflow to see "What the state of the community at large is".  It's not good and it seems like it really is getting worse both from looking at the questions and looking at the comments and a whole lot of the answers.


    SSC is one of the rare tech communities where people are generally actively willing to help and people like a certain someone who actively don't have any intention of trying to help are the exception.

  • Adi Cohn wrote:

    If someone writes a blog but doesn't let us comment on it, I will not hold it against him.


    I will and do... especially when they post stuff that's just not true, like many of the examples I cited.  A lot of people in search of answers will find such blog entries and see that the person has hundreds or even thousands of posts and figure that they "must" know what they talking about and another person walks away with a seriously bad idea.

    And that's a whole lot more common than you might suspect even in the SQL Server MVP program where they actually don't do any kind of a quality check.  A lot of people don't know that the MVP program is more of a "how much have you done this last year" "services/appreciation" award and, although some are absolute Ninjas, don't realize that the MVP award is NOT a certification of knowledge.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Adi Cohn wrote:

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    Adi Cohn wrote:

    I will always prefer someone that spends also time in participating in such discussions then someone that doesn't participate.

    You mean like virtually everyone on StackOverflow where such discussions are seriously discouraged even in the form of answers? 😉

    How about the legions of people that write blog posts where comments are either disabled from the git or eventually disabled?

    I also mean everyone on StackOverFlow.  I don't need to go over all the things that someone wrote.  I can go over few answers that they wrote and evaluate their level.  If someone writes a blog but doesn't let us comment on it, I will not hold it against him.  I will simply look at the blog and evaluate his level.   As I said before I would prefer someone that participate in discussions, but of course this is not the only thing that I would check.  Generally speaking most of the people that participate in discussion and read blogs will have more knowledge then people that don't do it, so for me it gives them extra points.


    +1 for StackOverFlow! I don't think its perfect by any means but its an incredible resource. They could stand some improvement for updates to software for instance, sometimes you want a different question just based on software versions and they could certainly improve that, but still that site is packed with answers.

  • x wrote:

    Adi Cohn wrote:

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    Adi Cohn wrote:

    I will always prefer someone that spends also time in participating in such discussions then someone that doesn't participate.

    You mean like virtually everyone on StackOverflow where such discussions are seriously discouraged even in the form of answers? 😉

    How about the legions of people that write blog posts where comments are either disabled from the git or eventually disabled?

    I also mean everyone on StackOverFlow.  I don't need to go over all the things that someone wrote.  I can go over few answers that they wrote and evaluate their level.  If someone writes a blog but doesn't let us comment on it, I will not hold it against him.  I will simply look at the blog and evaluate his level.   As I said before I would prefer someone that participate in discussions, but of course this is not the only thing that I would check.  Generally speaking most of the people that participate in discussion and read blogs will have more knowledge then people that don't do it, so for me it gives them extra points.


    +1 for StackOverFlow! I don't think its perfect by any means but its an incredible resource. They could stand some improvement for updates to software for instance, sometimes you want a different question just based on software versions and they could certainly improve that, but still that site is packed with answers.


    I mean sure given the sheer volume you can eventually find an answer.  Oddly enough I usually find something useful in the incorrect answers, like that's not an answer to the question or what I was looking for but I had no idea that could actually be done and it might be useful later.

  • Adi Cohn wrote:


    As I said before I would prefer someone that participate in discussions, but of course this is not the only thing that I would check.  Generally speaking most of the people that participate in discussion and read blogs will have more knowledge then people that don't do it, so for me it gives them extra points.


    “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

    - Lao Tsu

    If Chinese philosophers are too distant for you, here is something you must have read in your young years:

    “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't you think?”

    - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    Sure you're on the right side?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  Sergiy.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • x wrote:

    +1 for StackOverFlow! I don't think its perfect by any means but its an incredible resource. They could stand some improvement for updates to software for instance, sometimes you want a different question just based on software versions and they could certainly improve that, but still that site is packed with answers.

    Surely it's packed with answers. If you don't care (or are not able to understand) what kind of answers are those.

    And I'm asking not just about correct answers, I'm asking about acceptable answers.

    A solution to Running Total question which uses a cursor - would it be a correct answer? Surely it would. If there are no silly errors in code it should past every test. Would it be an acceptable one - well, not for me.

    A tally generator using recursive CTE - is it correct? Yes. Acceptable? No.

    How many questions you can find on StackOverFlow about hierarchies? And how many answers quoted the article of Jeff Moden published on this site? And even even someone posted a link to this article - how many of the ones asking would be able to comprehend? Would Jeff get any points for that brilliant solution? I'm pretty sure he would not.

    I found that there is no point posting good answers on that forum. Simple crappy solutions do always come first, they surely basic tests, OP's mark them as answer and post "works like charm". Whatever you post after that - does not matter because "Elvis has left the building".

    Yes, you're right, that site is full of answers. But the thing is - the majority of those answers hardly worth the time searching for them.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Many of comments to reply, so I'll just write my comments for all of them, on this message.

    It is nice and amusing to read slogan such as “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know" or "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't you think?", but those are just catchy  slogans and not more then that.  I doubt if anyone here thinks that speaking is a sign of lack of knowledge or brain.

    It seems that some of you are under the impression, that I run some kind of select count statement to see  how much a person is involved in discussions.  This is of course not the situation.  Personally I've learned a lot by simply participating and fallowing discussions on the internet.  I'm sure that it is a great tool for learning.  I know that my level of knowledge would be much lower if I hadn't  done that (just an emphasize - I'm not saying that my current level of knowledge is great, I'm just saying that it would have been less the what it is today).  Just like I think that writing in blogs and participating in discussions helped me to gain more professional knowledge, I'm sure that it helps other people too.  For that reason they get extra points.  Of course if they write nonsense their evaluation will decrees

    Regarding the MVP program.  I've learned a long time ago that there is very much politics involved in it.  I live in Israel and I know most of the MVPs or past MVPs from Israel.  Some of them are amazing.  They have  a lot of knowledge and they share it with the community, but some of them just published a lot of very basic messages in forums (for example - don't use star in select statement.  You should specify columns' names or other messages on that level), and I didn't understand how they become MVPs


  • Surely it's packed with answers. If you don't care (or are not able to understand) what kind of answers are those.

    I tried searching the running total thing on stack overflow and the first article I landed on discussed everything pretty well, including some references to quirky update, new tools with more recent servers, etc. I don't doubt that some folks have difficulties with stack overflow or maybe just don't like it personally, and I think its fine if you don't find value with that site, but for me its really good and I'm happy it exists. I know there's been some ownership changes but I'm hopeful that the site doesn't change much as a result, but you really can't control stuff like that I guess, but so far its still really handy for me personally. Your mileage will of course vary depending on the sort of things you prefer.


  • This one is bad enough I'm looking for how to stop notifications!  Let's put this one to bed.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • I stopped using Stack OverFlow (except when it pops up as a Google search result) when I got bashed for asking a question. I can't remember if my thread got deleted or not, but the first two or three replies, one of them from a moderator, pretty much put paid to any thoughts I had of using the site regularly.

    I think it was the very first question I ever posted over there, but after I had been posting and contributing here. So I decided this was my site of choice.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Quick question, all. Which do you prefer to use... CyberArk or Hashicorp Vault?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin wrote:

    Quick question, all. Which do you prefer to use... CyberArk or Hashicorp Vault?

    They do not really do the same thing, right?

    I think Vault is a password safe, and CyberArk is an identity management tool.


    Michael L John
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    To properly post on a forum:

  • skeleton567 wrote:

    This one is bad enough I'm looking for how to stop notifications!  Let's put this one to bed.


    When you reply uncheck "Notify me of follow-up replies via email" 🙂


    Annoyingly it won't remember your selection so you have to uncheck it every time.

  • Rubber ducky effect is strong for me this morning. Was baffled for the past couple of days as to why the "exact same code" would work in a query window but fail within a tSQLt test. Finally decided to post the question here, as I'm writing up the sample code I realize …… that the test that's failing is in a different schema than the code I'm using.


    Thanks everyone for helping me without helping me! Super fast response time! haha

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