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How to Avoid Conditional JOINs in T-SQL

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Relational databases go out of their way to execute SQL, however bad the crimes against Codd and relational theory within the query might be. The 'conditional join' can be executed, but at great cost. As always, it is much better to sit back and restate the problem in a set-based way - Dwain Camps explains.


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T-SQL Window Functions Speed Phreakery

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Before SQL Server had SQL window functions, SQL Server developers had to use all manner of tricks and algorithms to come up with ways to rapidly process large amounts of data. Do we need these techniques now that we can express a SQL task in terms of window functions? Kathi revisits a famous SQL challenge to find out.


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A New Word: Mottleheaded


mottleheaded – adj. feeling uneasy when socializing with odd combinations of friend and family,...

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Microsoft Purview GA menu’s


The new data governance features in Microsoft Purview are now being made generally available...

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