SQLServerCentral Article

Deleting Large Number of Records

  • Article

Often someone will try to perform a delete on a large number of records and run into a number of problems. Slow performance, log growth, and more. Lynn Pettis shows us how to better handle this situation in SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005

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2011-02-18 (first published: )

52,978 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

T-SQL Challenge #1

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Do you want to improve your T-SQL skills? MVP Jacob Sebastian runs regular challenges to get you to think about how to solve a problem in T-SQL. These run monthly and we have a summary and explanation from challenge #1 to help you learn more about moving data from 3 tables into a specific format.

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External Article

Ten Common SQL Programming Mistakes

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It is not always easy to spot "antipatterns" in your SQL, especially in more complex queries. In this article, Plamen demonstrates some of the most common SQL coding errors that he encounters, explains their root cause, and illustrates potential solutions.


8,634 reads

External Article

Parameterized Queries

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Previous T-SQL best practices articles have discussed different coding styles that led to slow and fast query executions, and ways to minimize cached plans. This article will be an extension on those concepts, focusing on how the SQL Server optimizer tries to parameterize a query if it can, as well as how you can build your own parameterized query.


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External Article

Getting rid of SQL Code

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Joe becomes intrigued by the way that experts make errors in any area of technology, and suggests that the problem is more that of mindsets than lack of knowledge. He illustrates the point with SQL Development by means of the "Britney Spears, Automobiles and Squids" table, and the tangled Stored procedure, and shows ways of getting rid of both procedural and non-procedural code by adopting a different programming mindset.


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External Article

Building Code that Promotes Plan Re-usage

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This article, the third in the T-SQL Best Practices series, discusses how to write your code to promote cached plan re-usage. Understanding how white space and comments impact whether a plan is cached or an existing plan is re-used can help you minimize the number of plans your application is caching.


3,815 reads


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Additional Use for sp_statement_completed


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