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BIT of a Problem

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The BIT data type is an awkward fit for a SQL database. It doesn't have just two values, and it can do unexpected things in expressions. What is worse, it is a flag rather than a predicate, and so its overuse, along with bit masks, is a prime candidate for being listed as a 'SQL Code Smell'. Joe Celko makes the case.


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Contiguous Time Periods

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It is always more efficient to maintain referential integrity by using constraints rather than triggers. Sometimes it isn't obvious how to do this. Until a recent idea by Alex Kuznetsov, the history table presented problems for checking data that were difficult to solve with constraints. Joe Celko explains.


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Analytics vs. Advanced Analytics


The post Analytics vs. Advanced Analytics appeared first on Joyful Craftsmen.

A word on misogyny/sexism in cybersecurity/IT


Recently, on a post celebrating a female professional earning a significant achievement within the...

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