
SQLServerCentral Article

Decorum in the Forums

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One of the most valuable features of SQLServerCentral.com is the discussion forums, where many a DBA has found an answer to their question. Most times on the same day! While we do not moderate the forums, there are still some rules for posting that we hope everyone will take a moment to read.

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SQLServerCentral Article

TiVo for DBAs!!!

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SQLServerCentral.com is all about learning. Our goal has been to build a community where we all teach each other how to become more proficient with SQL Server. Most of our content to date has been written articles that show you how to do something. Well we have a a better idea, maybe. Check out our new video HOWTO series.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Two Minute SQL Server Stumpers

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How prepared are you for your next interview? How prepared are you to give one? SQLServerCentral.com has compiled a number of questions from our ever popular Question of the Day into a book. Read about the project and show your support today by picking up a copy.

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SQLServerCentral Article

PASS Summit 2004 - Another Look

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Our longtime member and author, James Travis went with the SQLServerCentral.com crew to the 2004 PASS Summit in Orlando last month. For those of you that don't recognize the name, he goes by Antares686 in the forums and has been generous enough to post over 6,000 times, giving lots of his time and knowledge to helping others. He jotted down a few notes on the conference for those of you that weren't there and are considering going next year.

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Democratizing Core Contributions: A Guide to WordPress.org Badges 


In the WordPress community, badges aren’t just for scouts.

Microsoft Purview GA menu’s


The new data governance features in Microsoft Purview are now being made generally available...

Connect to Power BI as a Guest User in another Tenant


Sometimes your Microsoft Entra ID account (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) is added...

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