
Technical Article

Running Sum Query

  • Script

Sometimes you need to calculate a running sum. Uses of this include adding a Month-To-Date column to a query of recent orders. I haven't seen anyone publish how to do this before (using this method).This query works by using the Row_Number() function and recursive query capability of SQL 2005.

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516 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

From DBA to DBAA

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Most of us DBAs have worked on our career to get where we are. A DBA is usually a second or third step in IT and we we've looked to advance our understanding of technology. Jeffrey Yao now brings us a new level of database work to which we may aspire.

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2008-05-09 (first published: )

15,551 reads

Technical Article

Real-Time Ambition: Reaching the Potential of Event Processing

  • Article

Complex event processing (CEP) software delivers on the promise of real-time insight, but is the technology too green for mainstream success? CEP was once available only to big financial institutions and government agencies that could afford custom development projects. That's no longer the case, as off-the-shelf products and implementations have proliferated.


1,831 reads

Technical Article

Dynamic Data Warehousing - The Virtual Brand Reaches Take-Off Speed

  • Article

The interest in dynamic data warehousing (DDW) is growing significantly. A sure sign that the virtual brand has reached take-off speed is claims by bloggers that they did not get enough credit for coining the concept, viral brand or idea. For example, Dan Linstedt recently went on what he described as a "rant" about "dynamic data warehousing."


2,137 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

The Hazards of IT

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Are you taking care of yourself as an IT professional? We try to cover all aspects of your SQL Server career here, not just the technical stuff. Longtime SQL Server guru Michael Coles brings us some health tips in an interview with Dr. Jerry Sanders

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2008-05-23 (first published: )

9,660 reads

Technical Article

DeDuping Tables with Duplicate Records

  • Script

The script is in three parts:1. A select statement to determine the number of duplicate records contained within the table2. The deduping process builds a temporary table called #Duplicates and uses it to compare duplicates across both similar tables whilst deleting records with multiple counts3. Final test of deduping with no records indicating table is […]

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371 reads

Technical Article

Using SQL Server Table-Valued User-defined Functions with Exchange Web

  • Article

The SQL Server Tables and Exchange Web Services sample demonstrates a powerful integration of Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2005 features. This integration enables you to provide data from both Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server to client applications so that the data appears as if it were stored in SQL Server. As you will see, this creates some exciting development scenarios.


1,640 reads


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