
SQLServerCentral Article

Generate Role Member Reports using dbatools and the ImportExcel PowerShell modules

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Being able to get information and save it on a Excel as a report can be a common and tedious task. What if we could join dbatools and ImportExcel PorwerShell modules to accomplish this in a easier and fast way? We will see how to export roles and its' member and save that info on a multi spreadsheet Excel file with handy tables ready to be explored.

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

What's a Normal SQL Server?

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Many of us have worked in environments that have a number of SQL Server instances. Different versions, editions, and mostly different hardware profiles. We deal with different applications and software that places different demands and requirements on our database systems. Some of us are even dealing with multiple datastores, trying to integrate SQL Server with […]

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Parsing EXE Output in PowerShell


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