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Self-hosted integration runtime

V rámci svojho bootcampu ( v Joyful Craftsmen, na ceste stať sa Data Engineerom, som sa často (rozumej takmer vždy) stretol s novými technológiami. Keďže jednou z bežných činnosti...

2022-04-04 (first published: )

222 reads

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Tech Lunch News

Ve středu 9.3.2022 jsme se tradičně sešli nad novinkami ze světa dat, datových skladů, Power BI, Azure apod. Jestli jste chyběli (ale příště dorazíte, že? :D), zde je malý...



A New Word: Mottleheaded


mottleheaded – adj. feeling uneasy when socializing with odd combinations of friend and family,...

Democratizing Core Contributions: A Guide to Badges 


In the WordPress community, badges aren’t just for scouts.

Microsoft Purview GA menu’s


The new data governance features in Microsoft Purview are now being made generally available...

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By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Monitoring Azure Blob Storage

By arindamxs

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Monitoring Azure Blob Storage

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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