
John Morehouse is currently a Consultant with Denny Cherry & Associates living in Louisville, Kentucky. With over 2 decades of technical experience in various industries, John now focuses on the Microsoft Data platform and specializes in Microsoft SQL Server. He is honored to be a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, 2016 Idera Ace, Friend of Red Gate since 2015, Sentry One PAC member & Community Ambassador. John has passion around speaking, teaching technical topics and giving back to the technical community. He is a user group leader, SQL Saturday organizer, and former PASS regional mentor. He is also a blogger, avid tweeter, and a frequent speaker at SQL Saturday's as well as other conferences. If you want to find John, you can find him on Twitter (@sqlrus) or on his blog,


A New Word: Mottleheaded


mottleheaded – adj. feeling uneasy when socializing with odd combinations of friend and family,...

Democratizing Core Contributions: A Guide to Badges 


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The new data governance features in Microsoft Purview are now being made generally available...

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on ...?

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