Problem creating stored procedure

  • Hello,

    I have created a stored procedure in SQL 2005. WHen I run it as a script, it completes. Changing it to a PROC is driving me nuts. It does not seem to be working when I execute it. Can anyone see where I am going wrong? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    USE Datasets


    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects

    WHERE name = 'proc_AutoGEAcctMon' AND type = 'P')

    DROP PROCEDURE proc_AutoGEAcctMon


    -- Create a procedure on a nonexistent table.





    -- =============================================

    -- Author: <Author,,Name>

    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>

    -- Description: <Description,,>

    -- =============================================





    -- run in reporting


    -- The input interface should create the ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table

    drop table ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table

    Select * into ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table

    from dbo.ds_GE_Orig_Input_File

    -- Change the column names for the GE file

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 0]', 'GE_Account_ID', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 1]', 'Customer_Business_name', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 2]', 'Customer_DBA_Name', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 3]', 'Customer_Address_1', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 4]', 'Customer_Address_2', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 5]', 'Customer_City_Name', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 6]', 'Customer_State_Abbreviation', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 7]', 'Customer_Zip_code', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 8]', 'Customer_Phone', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 9]', 'GE_DataField_1', 'COLUMN'

    EXEC sp_rename 'ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table.[Column 10]', 'GE_DataField_2', 'COLUMN'




    alter table ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table

    add [record_id] [T_lrgid] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL

    ,clean_name1 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_name2 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_extra_name varchar(500) null

    ,clean_address1 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_address2 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_city1 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_state1 varchar(500) null

    ,clean_phone1 varchar(500) null

    update dbo.ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table


    clean_name1 = Customer_Business_Name

    ,clean_name2= Customer_DBA_Name

    ,clean_address1 = Customer_Address_1

    ,clean_address2 = Customer_Address_2

    ,clean_city1= Customer_City_name

    ,clean_state1 = Customer_State_abbreviation

    ,clean_phone1 = dbo.udf_clean_phone(Customer_Phone)

    from dbo.ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table

    --****Create the Clean_Table_File ***********

    drop table ds_clean_Table

    select record_id, clean_name1, clean_name2, clean_extra_name,

    clean_address1, clean_address2,





    into ds_clean_Table

    from ds_GEAcct_Inp_Table


    -- create table of counts for number of input columns of each type (i.e. 2 input names, cntName = 2)


    drop table ds_Acct_counts

    create table ds_Acct_counts


    cntName int NULL,

    cntAddr int NULL,

    cntCity int NULL,

    cntState int NULL,

    cntPhone int NULL


    Insert into ds_Acct_counts values (0,0,0,0,0)

    Update dbo.ds_Acct_counts

    SET cntName =

    CASE When ((select count(*) from ds_clean_Table where clean_Name2 is not NULL) > 0)

    Then 2 else 1 end,

    cntAddr =

    case when (select count(*) from ds_clean_Table where clean_Address2 is not NULL

    and clean_Address2 <> '') > 0 then 2

    else 1 end,

    cntCity =

    case when (select count(*) from ds_clean_Table where clean_City1 is not NULL

    and clean_City1 <> '') > 0 then 1

    else 0 end,

    cntState =

    case when (select count(*) from ds_clean_Table where clean_State1 is not NULL

    and clean_State1 <> '') > 0 then 1

    else 0 end,

    cntPhone =

    case when (select count(*) from ds_clean_Table where clean_Phone1 is not NULL

    and clean_Phone1 <> '') > 0 then 1

    else 0 end

    alter table ds_clean_Table

    add clean_parseName1 char (255) NULL,

    parseName1 char(255) NULL

    If (select cntName from ds_Acct_counts) = 2

    alter table ds_clean_Table

    add clean_parseName2 char(255) NULL,

    parseName2 char (255) NULL

    alter table ds_clean_Table

    add clean_parseExtraName char(255) NULL,

    parseExtraName char(255) NULL

    -- select * from ds_clean_Table



    --Clean name1 and name2

    Execute dbo.proc_cleanNames


  • Are you getting an error or is there missing/incorrect data?

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I get 'Command(s) completed successfully.' It completes right away and does nothing.

  • i see the proc proc_AutoGEAcctMon

    get created, but never called; down towards the end you call a procedure with Execute dbo.proc_cleanNames, but not proc_AutoGEAcctMon

    ; could that be the issue? forgetting to call the newly created procedure?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Duh!!!

    Thanks. I am kind of new to this. I didn't realize that the create only 'Creates'.

  • Good catch Lowell. I didn't see that at all.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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