Combo boxes in SSRS

  • Hey nerds

    I'm busy with a report that needs an option for the user to select a value from a combo box, based on the value (Obviously) it will only return what the user asked for.

    I create a new data set, in my statement in the data screen I create a variable, based on the dataset I query it from:

    In Visual studio I navigate:

    Report --> Report Parameters , I select the variable I created. In the Available values section I select "From query".

    In "DataSet" I select my dataset and "value field" will have the field values available to the user to select from, the "label field" option will have the same option as the value field.

    Now.. When I want to view a sample I get the message "Forward dependencies are not valid".

    Am I passing the combo box variable value to the query in the correct manner?

    I know the way im asking this is strange, but i dont know a better way.


    A fellow nerd.

  • I also have the same problem - no help for you but it would be useful if someone could help out!



  • Usually, that happens when your data set depends on another parameter, but is further down in the list. Move the problematic parameter all the way down to the bottom and see if it works.

  • I only have a single parameter, and thats the one the user must supply using the combo box.

    I tried to Google this, but found no articles.

  • can you provide both datasets (the one using the parameter, and the one used to populate the parameter's drop down list)

  • --DataSet 1 (The Report)


    MonthCol 'Month Collected', CountOfArr 'Count Of Arrangement' , CountOfPay 'Count Of Payments', SfeNumber 'SFE',

    Sfe_Name_Surname 'SFe Name', Division, SumOfArrangements 'Sum Of Arrangements' ,SumOfPayments 'Sum Of Payments',

    ConversionPercentValue 'Conversion Percent On Value', ConversionPercentArr 'Conversion Percent On Arrangement',

    CountOfSpokeToDebtor 'Count Of Spoke To Debtor', CountOfNoresponse 'Count Of No Responses',

    CountOfLeftMessage ' Count Of left Messeages' ,CountOfDebtorUnknown 'Count Of Unknown',

    CountOfQueries 'Count Of Queries Logged', CountOfMattersWorked 'Count Of Matters Worked' ,

    CountOfAddressUpdates 'Count Of Address Updates', CountOfTelephoneNoInvalidation 'Count Of Telephone Number Invalidation'




    Division = @Division


    SFE_Name_Surname, DATEPART(mm,CAST(SUBSTRING(MonthCol, 1 ,CHARINDEX(' ', MonthCol))+ ' 1900' AS DATETIME)) ASC

    --DataSet2 (The Combo Box Selection)








    @Division should be the value that the user select from dataset 2.

    Thanx for the help so far.

  • Don't thank me yet, I think I'm stumped on this one as well.

    If you haven't already, try the following:

    Backup a copy of your rdl file before you do either one of these

    -On the Data tab in Visual Studio, select the report data set (DataSet 2 from your post) and click on the "..." next to the dataset drop down. On the dialog box click on the Parameters tab and look to see if you see @Division under "Name". Make sure that's the only parameter in the list. Also make sure the value has something like "=Parameters!Division.Value". If both are already there as I described, copy the results, delete it, save file, then put it back and save the file again.

    -Open up the report rdl file into a text editor. Do a search for " ". You should only see 1 child ReportParameter element with the attribute name="Division". If you see anything other than the Division element, delete those ReportParameter elements and save (make sure you know XML or HTML because otherwise you probably don't know what i mean by delete element...if you want you can copy that code section here, and I can help).

  • Damn, this has to be one of my most colorfull ID 10 T error's yet. Here I am telling you that I’m using 2 datasets, but I fact after fiddling with the report so much there actually wasn’t. Somewhere along the line I deleted the second one, I only had 1 datset (The report one.). I decided to revisit this thing this morning with a fresh brain, found only 1 dataset, added the other mapped it to the variable, and there you go. It’s working just fine.

    I think the “Forward dependencies are not valid” error is SSRS way of saying. “HEY CLOWN BOY!!!! YOU HAVE A CIRCULAR REFERENCE ON YOUR HANDS!!!!”

    Thanx very much for all your help.

    Have a great day.

  • Hi there,

    It seems that the RDL file can sometimes get a little confused with Parameters. The best way to fix this is to remove all parameters and save the file. Reload it and try re-creating the parameters.

    If you still get those errors you can also try opening the RDL in something like Textpad and editing it by hand (its an XML file). The parameters are hidden in there somewhere and Visual Studio sometimes misses them when deleting. Try searching for the Tag and remove the ones you don't need.

    That has saved me a couple of times in the past.





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