Update with cursor

  • Hello,

    I am triyng to update all the columns in all the tables if i find a certain value but I can't do it on my own. This is the best i can achieve as it is the first time with cursors. But it has an error:

    Must declare the table variable "@table_name".

    Is this query possible?

    There is another way?


    DECLARE @table_name nvarchar(500), @column_name nvarchar(500) --big enough 🙂 but it doesn't care the db is not on production server

    DECLARE vend_cursor CURSOR

    FOR select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from Information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME in (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM Information_schema.TABLES)

    OPEN vend_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM vend_cursor INTO @table_name, @column_name



    UPDATE @table_name set @column_name = replace(@column_name,'','')


    CLOSE vendor_cursor

    DEALLOCATE vendor_cursor

    Tanks all in advance

  • You'll have to make it a dynamic query. That is, build your sql string, and execute it

    declare @sql nvarchar(max)

    Set @sql = 'update ' + @tablename + '...'

    exec @SQL

    You might also want to look into the sp_msforeachtable as outlined here:


  • You also need to make sure of two things:

    1) You will need another statement FETCH NEXT FROM vend_cursor INTO @table_name, @column_name after your update statement and before the END statement. Otherwise you will be in a loop.

    2) Be consistent with your cursor name. You have vend_cursor and vendor_cursor.

    "Got no time for the jibba jabba!"
    -B.A. Baracus

  • Also, I don't think you need:

    where TABLE_NAME in (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM Information_schema.TABLES)

    "Got no time for the jibba jabba!"
    -B.A. Baracus

  • Thanks all for your reply.

    I will try these tips, but not sure to can post the result as i don't know if is intention of my boss to spend time over the query. Think i must use multiple update queries 🙁 -->

    Declare @script nvarchar(255)

    Set @script = N'the damn script'

    Update [articoli] Set [desc] = replace(Cast([desc] as nvarchar(max)), @script, ''))........

    Tanks again


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