adding column to a replicated table

  • Hi,

    I am using the following to add a column to transaction replication.

    sp_repladdcolumn @source_object = '


    @column = '',

    @typetext = ' ,

    @publication_to_add = '',

    @force_reinit_subscription = 1

    I understand it will create a snapshot of the article the next time the snapshot agent runs.

    Will it delete all the existing data at the subscriber or just add the column because in the table article property 'delete all data in the existing table (at subscriber)is selected.

    Some help is greatly appreciated

  • This will just add the column. Be sure to note that adding a column this way requires that the column be NULL'able or has a default.

  • thank you.

    yes the column is NULL

  • not sure what happened here but this thread looks "funky"

    * Noel

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