Does SMO really work with SQL 7.0?

  • I have been pulling my hair out trying to get this to work.  According to BOL I am supposed to be able to pull information from SQL 7.0 using SMO.


    "Because SMO is compatible with SQL Server version 7.0, SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005, you easily manage a multi-version environment."

    However, whenever I try to go after something as simple as Logins, I get an Exception that "This SQL Server version (7.0) is not supported."

    I know I can't use any of the new features like Table Partitioning or Notification Services, but I thought the Database and Login Collections would be available.  They are nothing new...

    Can anyone either say for sure that Documention is wrong, or point me down the right path.




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  • It seems as though things might have changed...

    From the link posted above...

    "The SMO object model supersedes and replaces SQL-DMO. SMO supports SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005. It supports more SQL Server management tasks and contains many new features in SQL Server 2005. SMO is designed to be more efficient and provide more control."

    So no SQL 7.0 support...sorry.

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