User Interface for SSIS process?

  • I'm not sure the best way to ask this. Most of our user base knows how to work with Access or Excel. I have been asked to put together a way for users to simply enter a date range which is then in turn used to extract records based on that date range and return it to the user in either a spreadsheet or table format.

    I'd prefer not to use Access, but maybe that is the best I can do right now? But I still question how do I get Access (or Excel) to execute an SSIS package on the SQL Server?

    Or is there an easy way to use VB.NET for this? I have dabbled with the .NET and like it but do not know exactly how to distribute the user interface to people.

    Can anyone offer help here?




  • Is excel what you want to learn or what will be actually working for you in Excel is very easy to learn actually...If have anyone by your side, then it will be easier for you to learn..


    What Star Trek Quiz Character are you?

  • I can do it in excel but I need to know how to call an SSIS package from Excel then??


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