Transaction Log Question

  • How come my transaction log doesn't grow when I execute the following code. I verified that the database is in full recovery mode.

    After running the below code my transaction log was still under 1mb and dbcc sqlperf (logspace) showed that less then 50% of the log was used.

    Create Table tbl (

    Col1 int identity,

    Col2 char(1000)



    set nocount on

    Declare @iCount int

    Declare @vchChar Char(1000)

    select @vchChar = 'rrrasdfadkfjas;lksjfjhuieqiuewry304987ryhdrftgyuhji34er5t6y78ucvgbhnjmk,4xe5rc6ftvg7yb4ed5






    Set @icount = 1

    while @icount < 15000
    Insert tbl (col2) Values (@vchChar)
    Select @icount = @icount + 1

  • Never looked but that is very interesting. I tried myself by creating a database R with a default size of 1 MB and grow by 10%. However you are right, when I checked the log itself with

    dbcc log ('R',3)

    I got 783 records (many of which are related to page and identity allocation and other pieces you don't realize most times occurr and are logged but you kind of understand they are there). The output is somewhat cryptic to review but I suspect there is something to understand the data didn't change and possibly log only the allocated page chains so it knows which pages to worry about instead of what data and slots.

    So to test I then created a database X and altered the statement like so

    Create Table tbl (

    Col1 int identity,

    Col2 char(1000)



    set nocount on

    Declare @iCount int

    Declare @vchChar Char(1000)

    Set @icount = 1

    while @icount < 15000


    set @vchChar = cast(@iCount as char(1000))

    Insert tbl (col2) Values (@vchChar)

    Select @icount = @icount + 1


    And when I check the log with

    dbcc log ('R',3)

    I got a result of 14905 and my log file jumped to 5.05 MB with with 2.85 MB in use.

    Don't have a lot of time to spend but I make the assumption the log has a mechanism for dealing with constant data in a more effeciant manner to conserve resources.

  • How very curious. I got the same results and also used the undocumented command "dbcc log (logtest, 1 )" to view the transaction log entries for a database named "logteest". For dbcc log explanation, see

    When running the original SQL, dbcc log only reports 310 entries in the transaction log.

    But, when a "begin transaction" is added before the "WHILE" and a "commit' is after the WHILE END, dbcc log then reports 33,271 transaction log entries, which is what I would expect.

    Transction log sizes:

    Before running the SQL, sp_helpfile reports 504 Kb and "dbcc sqlperf(logspace)" reports 0.484375 Mb and used % is 40.322582

    Without the commit, after running, the log file is 768 Kb and logspace reports 0.7421875 Mb with 62.171051 % used.

    With a BEGIN TRANSACTIOM/COMMIT, the resulting transaction log is 26,816 KB and logspace reports 26.179688 Mb with 71.819977 % used.

    I wonder what MS is doing ?

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Again I am fairly sure there is a mechanism to recognize paterns in a batch of inserts, as stated I see the same low number as original when all the data is te same. When I use an incrementing number it has more but not as many records so obviously recognized a growing pattern. But as you state when you put each into a transaction by itself it has a lot more (the rough expected amount), but that i bcause transactions are autonymous and therefore SQL cannot use the pattern to decipher what happens next. Will have to look I bet I hav something on this here somewhere.

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