Scripting database schemas from a job

  • Hello,

        We would like to script off our database schemas as part of out disaster recovery plans.  We want to use a job to do this monthly.  We have tried the SCPTXFR program, but it does not give us everything we need.  We have tried using Profiler to capture the code behind an Enterprise manager generate SQL script function, but the results are very complex and will take some time to understand.  Has anyone come up with a way to create a job to produce a script of an entire database schema?  Any advice would be welcome.  Thanks.

  • Using Ken Henderson's sp_generate_script stored procedure (see below)...

    Create a SQL Job with 2 steps. This is Step 1. It copies creates as script of the database with the date taged onto it.




    SET @DATE_ADDON = convert(varchar,getdate(),112)+ REPLACE(convert(VARCHAR(5),getdate(),108),':','')

    SET @PATH_AND_FILE = 'D:\SQL_DDL_BAK\MyDatabase\MyDB_db_script_'+ @DATE_ADDON +'.sql'

    print @PATH_AND_FILE

    EXEC sp_generate_script @outputname=@PATH_AND_FILE,




    Then use another script (as Step 2 of the job) to delete all the scripted out


    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'C:\VBScripts\CleanOldDDLBaks.bat'


    The CleanOldDDLBaks.bat file really just calls a VBScript file:


    'Author: James Heaton


    'Name: cleanup.vbs

    'example: cscript cleanup.vbs /dir:C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Backup\MYSQLD~1 /days:30 /ext:bak

    'example: cscript c:\vbs\cleanup.vbs /dir:C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Backup\MYSQLD~1 /days:30

    'Description: The script deletes all file in a specified directory that are over a

    'specified age since last updated, eg. could be used to delete all files in a directory

    'that are over 30 days old (30 days since last update). Expected that this would be

    'used as a scheduled task. This was orginally written to delete old log files generated

    'by an application running on a Windows 2000 Server. Errors are written to the

    'Windows Event Log. Usage instructions provided by ShowUsage() sub - just run script

    'without arguments to view them.

    Option Explicit

    ' Declare Variables

    Dim wshArgs, wshShell

    Dim FilePath, Retention, FileFilter

    ' Create wshArguments Object

    Set wshArgs = wscript.arguments

    ' Create wshShell Object

    Set wshShell = wscript.createobject("")

    If ChkArgs = True then

    ' Get Arguments and Populate Variables

    FilePath = wshArgs.named.item("dir")

    Retention = wshArgs.named.item("days")

    ' Call Sub-Procedure to perform file deletion

    DelFiles FilePath, Retention, FileFilter

    ' Display message stating that operation complete.

    wscript.echo "Delete Operation Complete. Any problems encountered have been logged to the Application Log."

    ' Log Information Event in Application Log

    wshShell.LogEvent 4, "Delete Operation Completed (CLEANUP.VBS)."


    ' Display Usage Instructions

    ShowUsage 1

    ' Log Warning in Event Log

    wshShell.LogEvent 2, "DELETE OPERATION FAILED (CLEANUP.VBS). Required Arguments Not Supplied"

    ' Display error message. When run as a scheduled task this message is suppressed.

    wscript.echo "DELETE OPERATION FAILED!"

    wscript.echo "The required Arguments have not been entered."

    End If

    ' Clear Objects

    Set wshArgs = Nothing

    Set wshShell = Nothing

    FilePath = ""

    Retention = ""




    Function ChkArgs

    ' Declare Variables

    Dim PathArg, DaysArg, ExtArg, HelpArg

    ' Count Number of Arguments Entered

    PathArg = wshArgs.Named.exists("dir")

    DaysArg = wshArgs.named.exists("days")

    ExtArg = wshArgs.named.exists("ext")

    HelpArg = wshArgs.named.exists("?")

    ' If all necessary arguments (2) entered Return True

    ' If not return False

    ' If the Help Argument (/?) is entered display Usage Instructions

    If HelpArg = True then

    ShowUsage 0


    End If

    If PathArg = True and DaysArg = True then

    ChkArgs = True


    ChkArgs = False

    End If

    If ExtArg = True then

    FileFilter = True


    FileFilter = False

    End If

    End Function

    Sub ShowUsage(Mode)

    ' Display Usage Instructions

    wscript.echo "cleanup.vbs Usage Instructions:" & _

    vbcrlf & _

    vbcrlf & _

    " cleanup.vbs /dir:[path] /days:[retention period] /ext:[file extension]" & _

    vbcrlf & _

    vbcrlf & _

    "path = this is the full path to the directory to be cleaned" & _

    vbcrlf & _

    vbcrlf & _

    "retention period = this is the length of time in days that files are to be kept" & _

    vbcrlf & _

    vbcrlf & _

    "file extension = optional argument. Only files with specified extension will be deleted (enter WITHOUT a preceding dot)" & _

    vbcrlf & _

    vbcrlf & _

    "Any files that are outside the specified retention period will be deleted."

    ' 0 = Help Only Mode. In this mode exit script after displaying usage instructions

    ' and do not attempt a delete operation

    If Mode = 0 then



    End If

    End Sub

    Sub DelFiles(Dir, Days, DelFilter)

    ' Procedure to cleanup old files

    ' Declare Variables

    Dim DelDate, FSO, Folder, Files, File, FileDate, FilterExt, Ext

    ' Determine date six months ago by calculating todays date minus 182 days

    DelDate = Now - Days

    ' Create Scripting Runtime FileSystemObject

    Set FSO = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    ' Create Folder Object

    ' If Path Not Found Generate Error and Event Log entry then exit script

    On Error Resume Next

    Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(Dir)

    If Err.Number = 76 then

    wscript.echo "DELETE OPERATION FAILED! - Path Not Found."

    wshShell.LogEvent 2, "DELETE OPERATION FAILED (CLEANUP.VBS) - Path Not Found."


    End If

    On Error Goto 0

    ' Create File Object

    Set Files = Folder.Files

    ' For each file in the directory check the file age and if older than the specified

    ' retention period delete it

    ' If an extension filter was specified only delete if the extention matches as well

    For each File in Files

    FileDate = File.DateCreated

    Ext = FSO.GetExtensionName(File)

    On Error Resume Next

    If DelFilter = True then

    If FileDate <= DelDate and Ext = FilterExt then


    End If


    If FileDate <= DelDate then


    End If

    End If

    ' Log error to Event Log and Screen if permission denied

    If Err.Number = 70 Then

    wscript.echo "Deletion of " & Dir & "\" & File.Name & _

    " Failed - ACCESS DENIED!"

    wshShell.LogEvent 2, "Deletion of " & Dir & "\" & _

    File.Name & " Failed - ACCESS DENIED! (CLEANUP.VBS)"

    End If

    On Error Goto 0


    ' Clear File and Folder Objects

    Set Files = Nothing

    Set Folder = Nothing

    Set FSO = Nothing

    End Sub


    You can get Ken Henderson's sp_generate_inserts stored procedure from "Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML."

    If you don't own it, you should.

    G. Milner

  • I looked over this book.  Does this script do more than list tables?  We can get that with the tools that we have.  We need all objects(tables, views, stored procedures, permissions, roles, users, etc). 

  • Yes. I use it to script out the entire database. It looks something like this (in a SQL Job that runs nightly):


    EXEC sp_generate_script @outputname='\\MY_OTHER_SVR\DBs_scripted\MyDB_db_script.sql',




    This scripts out all objects in the database to another server as a large script, where our version control software picks it up. In this case, unlike above, it has the same name every time. If you want a name with the date stuck on it, the above method with the variables is appropriate.

    You can either do it this way, with SQL Agent, or as mentioned above with VBScript and Task Sheduler

    G. Milner

  • Can somebody publish the script for sp_generate_script?

  • I don't know. Is that kosher? It has a copyright (c) in the version in the book. Would we have to have Ken Henderson's permission to put it up here?

    Maybe you could google it and get it of another (less conscientious) site.

    If you don't have the book, maybe you should get it.

    G. Milner

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