Access SQL data through HTML or ASP Page

  • SQL Gurus:

    I need to provide data from a SQL 2005 database up to four users at my work. I'm not sure if I should use an HTML or ASP page to provide that data. Moreover, I am unsure as to what method (ADO, RDO) I should access the data. My thought early on was to create a view for the HTML to connect to since the table will be updated multiple times.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You'd probably be better off posting this on web development forum instead of SQL Server as this really applies to asp or

    In asp, I'd recommend using vbscript and ado.

  • I think we need more information to help you.

    What do you mean by provide? File, View Search, Update, Add or some comgination?

    What tools do you have? Visual Studio? SQL Only?

    I work in generally in a Visual Studio / SQL environment so I would use C#.NET web pages with the but that may be without value based on the answer to question 1.

  • I am just quering the database from an asp page. Below is the view I am accessing to include the ASP connection string to the view.


    Dim oConn

    Dim oRs

    Dim filePath

    Dim Index

    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")


    Set oRs = oConn.Execute("SELECT Branch, BatchCount FROM BatchCount")


    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[BatchCount]


    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT LEFT(sSavedFileName, 6) AS 'Branch', COUNT(iItemCount) AS 'BatchCount', bStatus

    FROM dbo.ExternalInputStatus

    WHERE (iExternalSourceID = 2) AND (bStatus <> 0)

    GROUP BY LEFT(sSavedFileName, 6), bStatus

    ORDER BY 'Branch'

    Hope this helps.Dave

  • That will certainly work for four users but it means code changes for any presentation changes.

    I would also limit that technique to an internal only server as there are security questions if this is exposed to the web.

  • I wouldn't use sa to connect that's for sure. You are now exposing the sa accoutn and password to a lot of people.

  • Very Good Catch Jack!!

    Didn't even look at the login being used. In my opinion 'sa' should never be used except when working directly with the SQL server. It certainly should never be exposed to any web server.


  • I know sa shouldn't be used. I am more concerned about the code and way I am accessing the SQL server.

  • drodriguez (12/15/2008)

    I know sa shouldn't be used. I am more concerned about the code and way I am accessing the SQL server.

    Access: If you are still on ASP, then ADO is preferred ( is preferred for Logon should be through a dedicated account.

    Code: Use stored procedures instead of directly executing SQL from your ASP/ page. The SQL access provided for your dedicated account should only allow the client to execute the stored procedures that you approve for it.

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