SQL Server doen not exist or access denied in SQL Server 2000

  • The SQLSERVERAGENT service depends on the MSSQLSERVER service which failed to start because of the following error: %%0

  • Did SQL Server start? If not, what errors are present in the application and system event logs related to SQL Server?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hello

    When i start one of Sql Server Group, it shows a message SQL Server not exist or Aceess Denied.

    Could not start the MSSQLSERVER service on Local Computer.

    The service did not return an error. This could be an internal Windows error or an internal service error.

    If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

    But when we start our computer we got a message after login as Administrator.... like one of service or driver is failed during startup

    and then in event viewer ---->System Log, there is one error is Service Control Manager with Event ID 7001. and message in properties is "The SQLSERVERAGENT service depends on the MSSQLSERVER service which failed to start because of the following error: %%0 "

    Gopal Singh

    Application Developer


    Credit Research Inc.

  • Two places to check:

    The first is the LOG directory under where SQL Server is installed. See if there is a recent log that was started at about the same time you attempted to start SQL Server. If there is, there will likely be a message as to why SQL Server didn't stay on-line.

    The second is the security event log. If you're auditing all the login failures (run secpol.msc and Security Settings | Local Policies | Audit Policy and make sure Audit account logon events and Audit logon events are both set to success & failure), attempt to start the SQL Server service and then check the security event log. If you have an audit failure, it should tell you why. If you have an audit success, then hopefully you found something in the SQL Server log.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hello Kelly,

    How are you???

    First things is correct. when we attept to start SQLSERVER, it shows the message in Log file as like......

    "2007-10-27 03:32:50.62 server SQL Server evaluation period has expired."

    but when i set success and failure event in Audit Account Logon Events and Audit Login Events, then start SQL Server and goes to Event View|Security log, there is no message. Though i am using original software of MS SQLSERVER 2000 enterprise. This server is installed on this system in 2001.

    I have taken the backup of this server in to other directory which is up to 2.5 GB.

    Please tell me what can i do now......

    please let me know if you have email id?

    Gopal Singh

    AD Softex (Ind) Pvt Ltd.

    Application Developer


    Email: gopal_74@hotmail.com


  • dear

    just login your system with local admin

    and start sql server properties.

    it will work

    but if will not work then

    login your database to SA acount

    it will work

    but if will not work then

    go security and create local administrator account like builtins\administrator

    and add it

    it will work

    but if will not work then

    then mail me

    on that add



    Syed Muhammad Naveed

    Database Administrator

  • Hello,

    My problem is that i am not able to start MSSQLSERVER, when i start MMSINDIA server group, right click on it and select start..... on a bottom it displayed a message starting SQL Sever Services....... then showing a message starting connect to SQL Server and checking Window Security.... then it shows a message SQL Server not exist or access denied.

    I think the problem is on checking window security.....once it fails, then it stop the SQL SERVER SERVICES........because until window security is not implent successfully.... it not allow to SQL Server.

  • It looks to me that it's stuck thinking it's an evaluation copy. It that's the case, this needs to be reinstalled/upgraded with a non-evaluation copy of the software.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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