link DBase tables

  • how can i link DBase tables into sqlsever?


  • Import them with DTS

  • If the dBase tables are part of an actual DOS-era dBase application, then importing is your only safe option.

    Even thought dBase is 100% Y2K-compliant within its own environment, there's a LastUpdate field in the table header that is not. If you attempt to write to a DBF after 1/1/2001 from another application, it will place an invalid value in the header, and dBase will not be able to recognize the table. If that happens, you would need to use a disk editor to fix the header. Learned that the hard way.


  • in case of dbase what are the parameters for the sp_addlinkedserver command?

  • Here is a good discussion thread, maybe this will help:


  • Check advantage database local server (free). U can link to dBase tables by creating Advantage database definition and update /query dBase/Clipper tables with sql. They provide oledb driver. Theoretically should work

  • checked also practically. Works

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