SQL Mail - wrapping text at 72 characters

  • I'm using xp_sendmail to send mail that contains a hypertext link that is longer than 72 characters. If SQL Mail uses POP3 to send the mail the link is wrapped at 72 characters, and hence does not work properly in the mail. If Exchange is used, no wrapping occurs.

    Anybody know how to set things up so that no wrapping occurs? Or force the mail to be rich text or HTML, so that I can hide the URL behind a shorter link? Or any other bright ideas to workaround this?


  • There is an option hidden in outlook to automatically wrap lines longer than ... for unformatted email.

    Can be found at extra->options->email-layout->message layout->internet layout->Options for unformatted text->automatically wrap when line is longer than ...

    (emaillayout is translated from dutch so it might have a different naming)

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