how to create TRANSACTION for all this

    1. Check if file exists in folder
    2. send it by mail with (xp_SMTPSendMail80)
    3. move the file to backup  folder c:\B\uniq _file_name.txt
    4. save the file with uniq file name !!
    5. evry 30 minute

    put all and create TRANSACTION !

    fix my code



    ----for -- using xp_fileexists

    declare @Path varchar(128) ,

     @FileName varchar(128)

     select @Path = 'C:\' ,

      @FileName = 'myfile.txt'

    declare @i int

    declare @File varchar(1000)


     select @File = @Path + @FileName

     exec master..xp_fileexist @File, @i out

     if @i = 1

      print 'send email'


      print 'not exists'

    IF @@Error <> 0

     GOTO ErrorHandler

    ----for the Email

    exec master.dbo.xp_SMTPSendMail80





    @attachments = 'c:\1.xls' ,

    @html=1, -- Send the results as html

    @Body='<html><header><table border=0 align=center  dir=rtl>


          <td><div align=center>

            <p align=center><font face=Arial><strong>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</strong></font></p>



      </table></header><body>new development DLL FILE - automatic agent  </html></body>',  

    @qTableCaption='<p align=center><font color="#FF0000" face=Arial><strong>vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv</strong></font></p>',

    @qTableAttribute=' border=1 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#0033FF dir=rtl',


    -- put your emailing code here...



     print 'no email today'

    IF @@Error <> 0

     GOTO ErrorHandler

    DECLARE @fn varchar(20),@fnb varchar(20),@fnc varchar(20),@cmd varchar(100)

    set @fnb=REPLACE(convert(char(10),getdate(),14),':','')

    SET @fn =REPLACE(convert(char(8),getdate(),1),'/','')

    set @fnc=@fn+@fnb

    SET @cmd ='Move C:\1.txt c:\x\'+@fnc+'.txt'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    IF @@Error <> 0

     GOTO ErrorHandler



    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0






  • Huh.. I'm not sure what you expect the transaction to do...? If the transaction is rolled back, mails are already sent and file copied, how would you expect to get into other people's mailboxes and delete the mail? IMHO the only thing you can rollback are SQL actions (inserting or updating data, changing DDL etc.). I don't see how transaction could help in your case of file manipulation.

    Please try to explain what is your expected result, maybe there is some other way to achieve it.

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