Oracle Database to Sql Server 2000 Migration

  • Hi All,

    I was assigned a work on migration database from oracle9i to sql server 2000.Please give me Your suggestions and information. How to handle exceptions in sql server and other things relating to migration. I already downloaded Microsoft Tool (SSMA) and tested. You have any experiances and useful links. Pls.....

    Thanks in Advance


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  • Hello,

    If you have any questions about sql server, post them in the forums. The scope of your question is rather broad.

    Error checking is quite limited in sql server 2000.Basically you have to trap the @@Error variable into a temporary variable and check on that (since it gets reset after each statement)

    DECLARE @Errorholder int


    SET @Errorholder=@@Error

    if @Errorholder<>0 /*ERROR*/




  • The link below from Microsoft covers all you need to do a clean migration, I have used both in one shop and I don't think you will run into issues except Oracle number data type it covers all numeric data types in SQL Server.  So read the document below and see if you can just use DTS to move the data.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi ,

    Thank You very much all for your suggestions.


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