Data Sync in Transactional replication

  • I have a table in a transactional replication which is contained in an article.

    The article is comprised of many replicated tables.

    Out of those tables, one of the table is out of data synch right now. Now I would like to make the data sync between the publisher and subscriber, making sure that the subscriber has correct data from publisher. How do I make the data synch without doing the reinitilization.

    Is there a way where I can only apply the snapshot of that single table on the subcscriber ?


    Jay Mehta

  • yes you can drop the article from the subscription and add it back. SQL will push the entire table to subscriber.

    exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = 'Pub_Name'

    , @article = 'Article_Name'

    , @subscriber = 'subscriber_server'

    , @destination_db = 'subscriber_db'

    exec sp_droparticle @publication = 'Pub_Name'

    , @article = 'Article_Name'

    exec sp_addarticle @publication = 'Pub_Name'

    , @article = 'Article_Name'

    , @source_table = 'Article_Name'

    exec sp_addsubscription @publication = 'Pub_Name'

    , @article = 'Article_Name'

    , @subscriber = 'subscriber_server'

    , @destination_db = 'subscriber_db'

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

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