connecting sql

  • how can one connect to sql server db via dos.

    how is it done tell more about it.

  • Depends what your trying to do.

    You can use osql

    from BOL

    osql Utility

    The osql utility allows you to enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and script files. This utility uses ODBC to communicate with the server.



        [-?] |

        [-L] |



                {-U login_id [-P password]}

                | –E


            [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-H wksta_name] [-d db_name]

            [-l time_out] [-t time_out] [-h headers]

            [-s col_separator] [-w column_width] [-a packet_size]

            [-e] [-I] [-D data_source_name]

            [-c cmd_end] [-q "query"] [-Q "query"]

            [-n] [-m error_level] [-r {0 | 1}]

            [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-p]

            [-b] [-u] [-R] [-O]


  • If you need to transfer data between SQL server and a flat-file, you could also try the BCP command.

    BCP {[[database_name.][owner].]{table_name | view_name} | "query"}{in | out | queryout | format} data_file

    [-m max_errors] [-f format_file] [-e err_file]

    [-F first_row] [-L last_row] [-b batch_size]

    [-n] [-c] [-w] [-N] [-V (60 | 65 | 70)] [-6]

    [-q] [-C code_page] [-t field_term] [-r row_term]

    [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-a packet_size]

    [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-U login_id] [-P password]

    [-T] [-v] [-R] [-k] [-E] [-h "hint [,...n]"]

  • C:\Documents and Settings\jambuk>isql -E

    1> use JambuDB

    2> select * from t1

    3> go

     f1          f2          f3          f1Avg

     ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

             111         222         333         444

    (1 row affected)

    1> exit

    C:\Documents and Settings\jambuk>

  • For sql server 7.0, use "isql"

    Sql server 2000, "osql"

    And sql 2005, "sqlcmd"

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