Arithmetic overflow error

  • Hi,

    Has anyone seen this before - in the log reader for my publisher, there is an error message "arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int"

    Why would this happen?



  • You have likely exceeded the maximum int value of 2,147,483,647.;en-us;Q307533

  • Joshua,

    This is not the error number I get.  I get sql state 42000 and error number 14151.  These don't tell me much (just that replication has failed).  I did look at the things mentioned in the article above and the particular column which it says may have a very high number in is set to 52.  so that is not the problem.

    Any more thoughts?  I've searched the internet for this one and can't seem to find anything of any use.  I've taken replication off the server, added it back in, taken it off again, added each table separately but still it fails.



  • Hi, can you post more details about problem ?

    and try this link;en-us;811008


  • Ok, the server is sql server 7.0.  There are 4 databases which are replicated onto another sql server 7.0 server.  All 4 publications have existed a while and have not had any problems.

    Yesterday one of the publications (I'll call it pub1) had an error on the log reader:

    "arithmetic overflow error converting expression to datatype int - sql state 42000, error 14151"

    Soon afterwards it brought down all other publications with the same error. 

    We removed all publications and added them back on one by one.  They were fine until we added pub1 again.  Then the same error occurred. 

    We then removed them all again and added pub1 table by table.  Each time it errored in the same way. 

    We then disabled replication altogether on that server.  Then we put it back on.  We again added all the publications and again, got the same error. 

    We then replicated to another server with the pub1 publication.  This worked perfectly. 

    So now we have 3 replications going from server a to server b working perfectly.  One publication (pub1) going from server a to server b and causing an error.  And one publication (pub1) going from server a to server c working fine.

    So, we can't see that it is the subscriber, and it is also not the publication as both of these are working in other circumstances.  It can only be a combination of things but without further information I just don't know where we can go from here.

    Tonight we are going to shut down the server and try all this again tomorrow.

    I've searched the internet but it seems that this is not a common problem.

    I would be very grateful of any advice!

    Many thanks,


  • Hello!

    Have you checked if the two schemas (On publisher and on subscriber) are still the same? Could it have been modified at the publisher ant not in the subscriber? Watch especially for columns at the publisher that are numeric and contain a 'bigger' scale then would fit in an INT. I deem it very likely that Joshua Perry was right in his first assessment...


  • Ok.  I checked the schema at the publisher and subscriber and they match perfectly.  And we definitely do not have any large values in int columns.  This is a small database.  I've checked the total_delivered_commands and it is at 51, not 2,147,483,647.  Also, the error message we get is not the same as the one in the support link posted by Joshua.  The error messages are 42000 and 14151. 

    However, yesterday I took replication off another database while the programmer made changes, then put it back on and the same error ocurred.  This was a different database but was put on at the same time as the first one (and on the same server).  The changes made by the programmer were the addition of 3 new columns.  And they have replicated fine across to the subscriber.  The error seems to have ocurred after that.  The first time the error ocurred on the original database the programmer had only changed a stored procedure that is not even replicated.

    Can anyone spot a pattern?  Tomorrow I am going to delete the entire database from the subscriber and start all over again.

    Many thanks so far,


  • Sorry, I can't see a pattern. Maybe someone else could help?

  • Hello again.  I deleted the entire database from the subscribing server and put it all back on again, but no luck.  Same error again.

    I'm getting desperate.  Can anyone recommend any other web forums that might have a replication area as I can't find any!



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