problems with order by/case statements and distinct

  • hey there havign some problems using order by with a distinct when my order by contains a case statement.


    i know order by items must appear in the select list if distinct is used which isnt a problem as im using a report writing tool that will allow me not to include extra fields. however when i copy and paste my order by statement, it still doesnt work..


    select distinct


    arrangements.number_sql as arrno

    from events inner join arrangements on events.arrangement_number = arrangements.number_sql

    where  events.room_number in (61,59, 50)

    and events.performance = -1

    order by

    case when lower(@@Orderby) = 'date' then CONVERT(CHAR,, 112)

     when lower(@@Orderby) = 'series' then blah blah

    else end



  • case statements on order by needs all columns 'returned' to be of the same type or an implicit conversion should be possible


    * Noel

  • you have 2 problems :

    1 you can't use distinct with order by

    2 your case is not good


    1 you need to make a virtual table like,vt.yyy ..... from(

    2 after evry case you need to do else null ,

    like this

     case when  @OrderByHotels = 'paxSort'  then  orderer_name    else null   end,

    case when  @OrderByHotels = 'hotelSort'  then  hotel_name    else NULL   end,

    case when  @OrderByHotels = 'priceSort'  then  totalCost    else NULL   end,


  • Declare @a int

    , @s varchar(1000)

    set @a=2                          -- Say some value or parameter

    Select @S =

    'select distinct convert(varchar(10),au_id),au_fname from authors

    order by ' +

     Case (@a)

     when 1 then 'convert(varchar(10),au_id)'

     when 2 then 'au_fname'


    Exec (@s)

  • use group by instead, eg

    select arrangements.description,arrangements.number_sql as arrno,[col1],col[2],[coln]

    from events inner join arrangements on events.arrangement_number = arrangements.number_sql

    where events.room_number in (61,59, 50)

    and events.performance = -1

    group by arrangements.description,arrangements.number_sql as arrno,[col1],col[2],[coln]

    order by

    case lower(@@Orderby)

    when 'date' then CONVERT(varchar,, 112)

    when '?' then cast([col1] as varchar)

    when 'series' then cast([series] as varchar)


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • thanks for the feedback guys, i think David's suggestion lokos most promising given the tool i have to use..




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