method for testing whether server exists?

  • Hi there-

    I have a linked server specified on my sql server. I have a daily import process to pull from the linkedserver however would like to write out to a log table when the linkedserver is found to be unavailable (for netwrok reasons or whatever). Is there a system sproc, or some other method by which I can programmtically make such a determination?


    Thanks for any and all help!


  • R u doing this in a DTS?

  • YES

  • This little proc will return a 1/0 = there/not there.  Using the output you can then insert a record in a table based on the status of the flag.  This can be done using an if statement.

    drop proc usp_FindServer


    create proc usp_FindServer (@Server varchar(20),@Flag int output)


    create table #linked (

     srv_name varchar(20),

     provider varchar(20),

     product  varchar(20),

     datasource varchar(20),

     string  varchar(20),

     location varchar(20),

     cat  varchar(20))

    set nocount on

    insert #linked

    exec sp_linkedservers

    set @Flag = (select 1 from #linked where srv_name = @Server)

    if @Flag > 0


     set @Flag = 1




     set @Flag = 0


    drop table #linked

    print @Flag



     This is the call.  Simply replace ServerName

     with the name of the server you wish to check.


    exec usp_FindServer  'ServerName',0

  • That script will check if the linked server is defined, it won't test the network connectivity.

    Most reliable method is to run a simple select statement on the remote server using OSQL.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • A select statement will generate an error if the linked server isn't there, but because it'll most likely be classed as a distributed transaction then SET XACT_ABORT will be ON, thus aborting your batch without any "nice" error handling.

    I had the same problem - what happens if my distributed query ran (frequently) when the linked server was rebooting, services stopped etc.

    So I wrote this. This is not my actual, I made it more generic.

    From DTS, maybe implement it as a stored proc:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_CheckLinkedServerUp (@linkedsrvname varchar(30))

    RETURNS int



            DECLARE @srvobj int, @netname varchar(30), @found int


            SELECT @netname = datasource FROM master.dbo.sysservers WHERE srvname = @linkedsrvname


            IF @netname IS NULL

                    SET @found = 0

            ELSE IF @netname <> @@SERVERNAME


                    EXEC @found = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @srvobj OUTPUT

                    IF @found = 0


                            EXEC master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @srvobj, 'LoginTimeout', 2

                            EXEC master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @srvobj, 'LoginSecure', 'TRUE'


                            EXEC @found = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @srvobj, 'Connect', NULL, @netname

                            IF @found = 0


                                    SET @found = 1

                                    EXEC master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @srvobj, 'DisConnect', NULL


                            ELSE --error, @found <> 0

                                    SET @found = 0


                            EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @srvobj


                    ELSE --error, @found <> 0

                            SET @found = 0



                    SET @found = 1

            RETURN @found




  • If you run the SELECT statement using xp_cmdshell and OSQL you can have your cake and eat it to

    Yes the batch will be aborted, but it will be the batch thats running in OSQL, not the batch that's calling OSQL.

    That said, I do like your SQL-DMO method.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks.

    I might have considered xp_cmdshell but maybe because I wanted to use a function rather than stored proc. I can't remember for sure now.

    xp_cmdshell is simple, maybe better, solution though...

  • This function worked like a charm.

    Many Thanks!

  • Just to add something that was pointed out to me by a colleague, the function won't work for SQL Server 2005 (need to use SMO instead of DMO), but the OSQL method will.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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