assign a val to a var thru EXEC

  • I'm trying to dynamically determine min value for RecordID in a colllection of tables. The code is below. I'm getting error at the line:

    set @recIDmin = exec('select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName)

    does anyone know hoe to do it right?



    Declare @n int

    Declare @n_str varchar(55)

    declare @recIDmin int

    declare @recIDmin_str varchar(55)

    declare @TblName varchar(55)

    set @n = 5

    while @n < 20


    --cast suffix of a table name to varchar

    set @n_str = cast(@n as varchar)

    --construct table name dynamically

    select @TblName = '_D_T_dep_tbl' + @n_str

    --get min value of record_id in a tbl into var @recIDmin

    set @recIDmin = exec('select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName)

    --ERROR: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'.

    --update counter of tables

    set @n = @n + 1 



  • Use sp_executesql with output parameter

    Not TESTED.

    Declare @n int

    Declare @n_str nvarchar(55)

    declare @recIDmin int

    declare @recIDmin_str nvarchar(55)

    declare @TblName nvarchar(55)

    declare @Sqlstring nvarchar(4000)

    set @n = 5

    while @n < 20


    --cast suffix of a table name to varchar

    set @n_str = cast(@n as varchar)

    --construct table name dynamically

    select @TblName = '_D_T_dep_tbl' + @n_str

    set @sqlstring = 'select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName

    --get min value of record_id in a tbl into var @recIDmin

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring, N'@recIDmin int OUTPUT',@recIDmin OUTPUT

    --update counter of tables

    set @n = @n + 1 


    Edit: Good Reading

  • Ray;

    i still cannot see how var @RecIDmin gets assigned a value equal to:

    'select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName

    that's what I wanted to be done in the first place.




  • You cannot do it directly. Workaround


    CREATE TABLE #_D_T_dep_tbl1


    record_id INT,

    Record  VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (12, 'AAAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (24, 'BBBB')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (36, 'CCCC')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (48, 'AADDDAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (60, 'sdffs')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl1 VALUES (72, 'dsfsdfsdf')

    CREATE TABLE #_D_T_dep_tbl2


    record_id INT,

    Record  VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (1, 'AAAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (2, 'BBBB')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (3, 'CCCC')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (4, 'AADDDAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (6, 'sdffs')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl2 VALUES (7, 'dsfsdfsdf')

    CREATE TABLE #_D_T_dep_tbl3


    record_id INT,

    Record  VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (2, 'AAAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (4, 'BBBB')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (6, 'CCCC')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (8, 'AADDDAA')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (0, 'sdffs')

    INSERT INTO #_D_T_dep_tbl3 VALUES (2, 'dsfsdfsdf')

    CREATE TABLE #Result


    RecordID INT


    Declare @n int

    Declare @n_str varchar(55)

    declare @recIDmin int

    declare @recIDmin_str varchar(55)

    declare @TblName varchar(55)

    set @n = 1

    while @n < 4


    --cast suffix of a table name to varchar

    set @n_str = cast(@n as varchar)

    --construct table name dynamically

    select @TblName = '#_D_T_dep_tbl' + @n_str

    --get min value of record_id in a tbl into var @recIDmin

    DELETE #Result

    INSERT #Result

    EXEC('select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName)

    SELECT @recIDmin = RecordID FROM #Result

    SELECT @recIDmin Minimum, @TblName TableName

    --update counter of tables

    set @n = @n + 1 


    DROP TABLE #Result, #_D_T_dep_tbl1, #_D_T_dep_tbl2, #_D_T_dep_tbl3


  • Hi Sergio, Giovin,

    Of course it can be done directly.

    This should be a little easier to understand:-

    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000),

     @A_Variable varchar(100)

    SET @A_Variable = 10

    PRINT '1 - ' + CAST(@A_Variable as varchar(50))


     SET @SQL = N'SET @A_Variable = ''ROGER'''


     EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@A_Variable varchar(100) OUTPUT', @A_Variable OUTPUT


    PRINT '2 - ' + CAST(@A_Variable as varchar(50))

     SET @A_Variable = 20

    PRINT '3 - ' + CAST(@A_Variable as varchar(50))

    Just copy it into QA and have look what it is doing. Then change the sql to suit e.g:

    SET @SQL = N'SET @A_Variable = select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName

    You do need to read the articles about dynamic sql though - and do some searches on the same in here........

    Have fun



    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • ic it really works Steve. Tnaks a lot for the science! U right about reading, we could not get anywhere w/o it. If only I had more free time..

  • Qovinn,

    i haven't tried yr code yet, I'll definitely do. Thanks for yr time posting it!

  • Qovinn, I guess I did it the way quite similar to yr: used a temp table:

    --update display_order in all 15 tables

    Declare @n int

    Declare @n_str varchar(55)

    declare @recIDmin int

    declare @recIDmin_str varchar(55)

    declare @TblName varchar(55)

    set @n = 5

    while @n < 20


    set @n_str = cast(@n as varchar)

    select @TblName = '_D_T_dep_tbl' + @n_str

    -----USED  A TEMP TABLE HERE TO STORE min(record_id) VALUE

    --get min value of record_id in a tbl, store it as rec in _tmp1

    exec('insert _tmp1 (fld) select min(record_id) from ' + @TblName)

    ---THEN ASSIGNED IT TO @recIDmin

    --assign val to @recIDmin

    set @recIDmin = (select fld from _tmp1)

    delete from _tmp1

    --convert @recIDmin to varchar

    set @recIDmin_str = cast(@recIDmin as varchar)

    --update target table

    exec( 'update ' + @TblName +

    ' set display_order = 1 + record_id - ' + @recIDmin_str )

    set @n = @n + 1 

    delete from _tmp1



    I must admit that Steve's solution (using sp_executesql) is more advanced.

    Thanks for posting.

  • OOPS Forgot an important Part

    Declare @n int

    Declare @n_str nvarchar(55)

    declare @recIDmin int

    declare @recIDmin_str nvarchar(55)

    declare @TblName nvarchar(55)

    declare @Sqlstring nvarchar(4000)

    set @n = 5

    while @n < 20


    --cast suffix of a table name to varchar

    set @n_str = cast(@n as varchar)

    --construct table name dynamically

    select @TblName = '_D_T_dep_tbl' + @n_str

    set @sqlstring = 'select @recIDmin = min(record_id) from ' + @TblName

    --get min value of record_id in a tbl into var @recIDmin

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstring, N'@recIDmin int OUTPUT',@recIDmin OUTPUT

    --update counter of tables

    set @n = @n + 1 


  • Ray,

    Thanks a million.  I have been trying to figure out a similiar problem and have spent most of the day fruitlessly, until I found your solution.

    It's much appreciated.


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