Replication rejects certain column names

  • Guys,

    I have to replicate set of  tables (60 out of 3200 !!!) to another server.   Transactional replication fails (after Snapshot gets delivered) and Distribution Agent reports invalid column name : 'NAME' and 'COMMITTED_DATE' . That bizzare db has 10 tables with such column names...

    Any ideas how to get around here ? Thank you.

  • View the job history of the distribution job. You should be able to go down thru the details to find out the exact comand that failed, which will have the table name in the stored procedure name.

  • We have the following topology : Transactional Repllication between Server1 (Publisher) and Server2 (Distributor, Subscriber) allowing anonymous pull subscription : central publisher - remote distributer and no immediate updating, no queued updating. Both servers belong to the same domain and have Trusted connection.

    In the jpb history I see 2 problems

    Problem #1 : Invalid column name 'name' - no table  refernce. I found column named 'name' in several tables. All of them of Unicode type nvarchar null not allowed and some columns contain non  ASCII data (a garbage) !!!.

    Problem #2 : job history reports : Process could not retrieve security information from Subscriber to Distributer Server1.

    Distributer resides on Server2 and this message looks odd ( I had an old scenario in the past when distributer was residing on Server1, but publishing and distribution was disabled a while ago).

                               Thank you very much for your help.

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