Error log and Stack Dump

  • SQLServer Gurus:

    Does anyone know how to change the default location of the Stack dump that gets generated upon error (fatal errors, EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO..etc). By default SQLServer places them in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\log\... with a mdmp and a txt files.

    I would like to change it to F:\MSSQL\LOG\

    Thanks in advance.

  • Go to startup parameters dialog box in enterprise manager

    change the default location for the errorlog to the new location

    the existing parameter will start with -e

    restart sql server ( out of hours of course :-))

    Best to always leave these alone unless of course you really need to change it.

  • Your follow up will only change the sql server's error log location, but not the actual mini dump files created upon exception errors. These mini dumps are similar to Dr.Watson's dump files and defaulted to c:\program files\microsoft...\mssql\log directory with a .mdmp and a .txt extensions. Either an client app or due to I/O problems, our server has been writing these .mdmp files and I am kind of getting tired of cleaning them out prior to being able to decipher them. C:\ drive has only 4 gigs space housing Enterprise sql 2000. During long weekend, due to space issue, BSOD has occured few times. Of course, I would like to resolve the issue, but I need to direct those files to some other drive first. Any help is apprecited.

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