Updating fields based on existence of record within another table in another database.

  • Apologies if this seems like just getting somebody else to do some work for me, but I have a problem I need to resolve and am having a hard time knowing how to go about it within query analyser.

    I have 3 databases CRM, ACC_ESP and ACC_KBF (all on the same SQL Server)

    I want to create a script that will cycle through each record within the CRM.Company table and do the following:

    Check to see if a record in the ACC_ESP.SL_ACCOUNTS table exists with the ACC_ESP.SL_ACCOUNTS.CUCODE = CRM.Company.Comp_CompanyId.

    If it does, then update the CRM.Company.Company_ESP = 1

    Check to see if a record in the ACC_KBF.SL_ACCOUNTS table exists with the ACC_KBF.SL_ACCOUNTS.CUCODE = CRM.Company.Comp_CompanyId.

    If it does, then update the CRM.Company.Company_KBF = 1

    Then onto to the next record within the CRM.Company table and repeat.

    The bad news is that the comp_companyid field is int 4 and the sl_accounts.cucode field is varchar 10.

    I hope this makes sense!

    Many thanks,

    James Knight

  • fortunately I got some help from a friend, below seems to work well:

    use crm

    declare @company int

    declare @ccount  int

    declare cur cursor for

    select comp_companyid from company

    FOR UPDATE OF comp_esp

    open cur

    fetch next from cur into @company




     set @ccount = (Select count(*) from ACC_ESP..SL_ACCOUNTS

     where ACC_ESP..SL_ACCOUNTS.CUCODE = Convert(char(30),@company))

     if (@ccount > 0)



      update CRM..Company

      set comp_esp = 1



    fetch next from cur into @company


    close cur

    deallocate cur

    I just ran it twice with the necessary changes for the different ACC_ databases.

  • You could have also used 'if exists' and 'select 1' instead of the 'select count(*)'.

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