Timeout expired Problem

  • I m facing a problem of timeout expired.

    If I execute stored procedure through Asp Page, which returns approximately 200000 rows, my ASP page always gives error “Script time out” after 40 Seconds.


    Error Type:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E31)

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired


    But if I insert the required rows into a table through SP and then if I use “Select  *  from Table” in my ASP page it works fine.

    But I cant use this solution in multi-user enjoinment.

    I have tried Server.ScriptTimeout = NumSeconds but it did’t helped


    Any suggestions?

  • Change the setting on database level.

    Properties -> Connections

    Remote properties


    But 200.000 rows ?

  • You said you tried Server.ScriptTimeout = numseconds but did you try Server.ScriptTimeout = 0 seconds.  This should effectively turn ScriptTimeout off.

    Gordon Pollokoff

    "Wile E. is my reality, Bugs Bunny is my goal" - Chuck Jones

  • This has nothing to do with scripttimeout. But the time SQL Server thinks the query is estimated to run.

  • increase the time in HKLM for odbc timeout....

    the default is 60 seconds....

    in your case make it 300 seconds... then u will not get timeout error...

  • This looks to be a Command timeout.  The default is 30 seconds.  You can increase this on the command object before you call your execute method.

    objCmd.CommandTimeout = 90 'in seconds


  • Seting command Time out solves my problem.Lots of thanks for that

    Now i am dealing with another problem.

    With command object i could not open recordset with Dynamic cursor, the recordset is farward only.but i need to move first, after reaching the EOF.For the time being I am using recordset.reQuery, which takes much longer.

    any clue to open Dynamic recordset with command object.



    Dim adoCmd

    Set adocmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    with adocmd

     .CommandText = "_sp_repSmplMgmt_CSDEvent"

     .ActiveConnection = adoConnection

     .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

     .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("group", adChar, adParamInput, 25, strTerritory)

     .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("productlist", advarchar, adParamInput, 255, strProductList)

     .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("beginDate", advarchar, adParamInput,10,dtmBeginDate)

     .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("advarchar", advarchar, adParamInput,10, dtmEndDate)

     .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter ("Format", adInteger, adParamInput,4, strFormatType)

    end with

    Set rsEvent = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")



    rsEvent.Open adocmd ,,adOpenDynamic

    Do While not rsEvent.eof



    rsEvent.MoveFirst 'This Line gives me error



  • Any body having any clue how to open Dynamic Recordset with command object?

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