Alert not working

  • I set up an alert in SQL Server Agent to notify me when error 1205 is encountered. I included the operator name and setup to be notified by email.

    It is a SQL Server event alert, I have had several deadlocks already, but was never notified, and in the History of the alert it shows occurrence count: 0

    Am I missing something obvious?

    Thanks is advance for your help.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Yes, agent is started.

    I do receive an email when a job fails, but the alert does not seem to work.


  • DId you verify that 1205 did occurr. I have seen deadlocks that were ended by other things than being vicitimized. Might also want to turn on trace flag 1204 to write deadlock events to the sql logs to see what all happens. Might be something handling before the 1205 occurrs.

  • I do have flag 1204 turned on and I see the 1205 in the report, but for some reason I am never notified and the alert is not aware that the deadlock ocurred.


  • Ok, then in Alerts view in EM what does it show Enabled?

  • Yes it is enabled.

  • I jst tested and got the same issue. I think something is missing. I don;t know right off what but something.

  • Did anyone every figure this out?  I'm having the same problem.  I set up an alert for error 1205 and then run a test script which causes a deadlock.  I never receive a notification and the error count in EM is never incremented.  I did a test by setting up an alert for errro 208 (Invalid Object) and it works correctly.

    Is there anything special that needs to be done to get the deadlock alert to work?



  • Has anyone figured this one out yet.  I'm having same problem. 

    Trace flag is set

    alert is enabled

    I caused an error 1205 and did not receive the alert.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • my 2ct

    - did you stop and restart sqlagent _after_ you enabled the (first) alert ?

    - also add traceflag 3605 for more deadlockinfo in the sqlservereventlog.



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  • Hello everyone ... has anyone found a resolution to this problem?

    I get notified with other alerts i setup but not the Deadlock 1205 alert. Please advise.

  • I was the original post.  If I remember correct this is a documented problem is Sql Server.  Stop and restart the SQL Server and the problem is corrected.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • Hi Curtis,

    Thanks for the reply. I can't seem to find it in Microsoft's site. I'll keep searching. Would it be possible to point me to the right direction on seaching for this document.

    Thanks again.


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