Window 2003 fix messing with SQL Server?

  • We have a source system ... once a week the data is copied from the source system to another system (target) which is a backup system.   Both systems are windows 2003, however this weekend the target systems had Windows Server 2003 Hotfix KB841533 installed.

    Since the windows install on the target server ( The source server has not been upgraded yet) the copy of the databases on the target server has been suspect. 

    Anyone run into this issue?

  • Hello. I had a problem with the most recent hotfixes from Microsoft (it is not the same problem you had, but I just wated to mention what happen to us)

    We have a data server and a web server, we apply the patches sent by Microsoft and those screwed up everything. We ended up rebuilding the web server and apply all the patches but the last five suggested by Microsoft. Repoprted the problem, but no answer yet.

    I know it does not have anything to do your note, but is another of thoise cases in which the patches do not work. Thank you

  • Hey HelpMeInOhio, what is the error message you are getting.  We recently moved a SQL2000 installation from a Windows2000 Server to a Windows2003 server.  We have a view with an opendatasource command referencing a seperate MSDE SQL install, but since we upgraded cannot get data to move between the two SQL servers.  We get a ODBC Call failed message stating

    "New Transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator..... The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction."

    I've researched this error message on Microsoft's website and they do have this exact message listed however, we've tried their solution and still no luck. We've opened a support call with them and they still have had no success resolving this issue. 

    Anyone else out there have this issue?  Any suggestions?

  • We get no error ... just suspect databases.  We can backup a database from one system and restore to another on another server with no problem.  Our ODBC is ok also.

    Our issue seems to be at a subsystem level.  We have our data on RAID 5 systems that can be pseudo mirrored  (Copied at a data block level).  It seems that this process/mechanism worked for some time but as of our Win2003updates it corrupts our copied/mirrored data.

    Very odd.  We're going to shut down services on the source system before we make the copy to see if that helps.  We're already stopping services on the target system.  I'll let you all know how it goes : ).

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