new SQL server registration problem

  • Sorry... newbie question here.  Am trying to create a new SQL server registration.  All goes well until the an attempt to actually connect is made at which time I recceive the "SQL Server does not exist or access denied...".  This ONLY happens on one machine though (mine.. of course).  I can connect on virtually any onther machine in my office except my own.  My NT Admin and I have been at work on this for a few days.  We've removed and re-added the machine from the domain, tried a different domain ID, etc...  Using SQL 7, any ideas ?


  • Have you tried creating an alias through Client Network Utility? 

  • Yes.  Sorry for the delay.  We did try creating an alias, no luck.

  • Can you access SQL Server from osql command line?

  • Or in this case, ISQL?

  • good idea... no, cannot connect.  Here is the message:

    Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1:

    Login failed for user '****'

    DB-Library: Login incorrect.

  • Did you try using your login? Try using SA and the proper password.

  • Tried 2 seperate accounts (both good), neither could get in.

  • Is this SQL Server running on your work station? If so, is it running under your user accounts? If so, have you changed your password lately? If nothing else works, maybe you need to re-install, if at feasible.

  • Client only running on my machine, very recetnly changed password, have tried reinstalling (SQL7) mltiple times.   I'm fearing a full machine reload.

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