New Job Tasks?

  • Hello.

    I have been a DBA for several years, but grew into this position in my company.

    I will be beginning a new job in a couple of weeks and will be the sole DBA at this new job.

    What should be the first things I should put on my todo list?

    Here are my thoughts:

    1.)  Get (or create) a listing of all databases and their purpose.

    2.)  Get (or create) a list of their security model.

    3.)  Review their backup procedures.

    There are a lot of other things I would like to do such as review the indexes, performance plan, etc.

    I really want to do well.  Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

  • Just a few more things off the top of my head:

    Do check the maintenance plans for all!

    Check disaster recovery plans, contigencies!

    Change password for SQL service accounts and SA!!!!

    Get data models, if available!

    Know your role (development, Ops support)

    Make sure there is error notification in place!

    Learn the Servers, hardware and network!

    Get to know the developers!!!!


    Good luck!!!!

  • Oh, one more thing!


    TEST, TEST and TEST all your backup/restore and disaster recovery plans!!!

  • Also, you might want to check the SQL logs and server logs - look for anything 'out of the ordinary'.  I would check out the performance of the servers for the next couple of weeks to make sure there are no 'suprises' sneaking up on you.

    Aside from checking the maintenance schedules, you may want to shrink databases and reindex.  Worth a Saturday or Sunday for the peace of mind.

    And like dbamark said, TEST again!!

    Good luck!  


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