Test Data

  • We have a large database in SQL Server 2k. I need to create a test database for our programmer who works out of the office. I would like to extract data for only this year. The data will need to be local on his home machine. What is the best way to go about this? Will I need to export tables individually because of the date range?

    "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." ~Leaf

    "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." ~Leaf

  • You might consider using bcp with a query to extract data from the tables with too much volume. You could transfer all configuration and master information with DTS to another database.


  • I just though, if you were to extract data for a test database why don't you just create a test database on your server and put some data in there. When you are done, make a backup of your new test database and burn it to a CD this way you could give it to your programmer and give him the instruction on how to restore that file on his home computer. Please bear in mind that CD only hold 600 MB or something like that. You could also backup to more then 1 backup device and copy each of your backup device to 1 CD. Give him all the CD and provided that he has enough space to copy that data from cd to his local drive and has enough space to restore you should still be in good shape.


  • quote:

    We have a large database in SQL Server 2k. I need to create a test database for our

    What is the size of the database and the

    size of the subset ?

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