How can I make connection to a Solid DB?

  • Hi all!

    I think this is a tricky one, although I've heard that it's possible somehow..

    I want to do a timed procedure, which starts once a day and gets data from a Solid server db and puts it to SQL Server db. How can I do this? I have no clue..

    I already made a program in C language and ODBC library, but it would be nicer if I didn't use any "third party" programs here.

    I'm just guessing, but I have the odbc driver for Solid server, and I've made the dsn for it. I think I have to get a hold on that dsn from SQL Server, am I right? Please, if anyone could help me on this!

    -- Arto Kainu

  • I have never heard of Solid, but...

    Since you have the ODBC driver and DSN setup then use DTS to transfer the data, it will be the most efficient. You can create job to run the the DTS and schedule it to run once a day.

    If you want to do this via a store procedure then create a linked server and use OPENQUERY. Providing the ODBC driver is compliant and able to support this.

    I transfer data from a 3rd party non SQL server database using both methods.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Ok, thanks David!

    Nex question will be, what is DTS? And how can I make a job? And where do I put the dsn of my non SQL server db? I'm REALLY newbie..

    - Arto Kainu

  • OK some simple instructions to get you foing

    DTS is Data Transformation Services. It allows the transfer and transformation of data to/from SQL server.

    In EM (Enterprise Manager), expand your server

    Select your target database

    Right click on the target database, select All Tasks, Import Data

    You will then see the DTS Wizard which will take you through the steps

    Choose a data source

    use the drop downm list to select your Solid ODBC driver

    Select the DSN you set up enter appropriate username and password

    Click Next

    Choose a destination

    Leave the destination as Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    The server and database will be selected already

    Change the authentication type is required

    Click Next

    Specify table copy or query

    Here you select whether to pick a table to transfer (all columns)

    or to enter a query is you want selected columns

    Click Next

    Click on Transform

    Here is where you can create destination table if it does not exist, delete rows in destination table first or append data and map columns (you may have different name for input and output) and and special transformation for specific columns (you script columns to do data validation or translation)

    Eventually you will see a screen that will ask if you want to run the package immediately, save the package and or schedule it. I always save the package first with a reasonable name. Once saved you can load it by expanding the Data Transformations Services folder and double clicking on the package name.

    VERY IMPORTANT - make sure you get the source and destination the right way round, DTS can transfer data BOTH ways.

    This is not complete but will get you started.

    BOL (Books Online) will give you more information.

    Experiment on a test server first so that you get use to it.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Wow!!! THANKYOU!

    That must be the best answer I've ever had in any Forum, thanks a lot, David!!

    I understood that quite fast. This helped me a lot!


    -- Arto Kainu

  • Another possible approach is using OpenRowset if you decide not to use a DTS for the import. Note that you will need to determine the OLDB driver and connection string for your Solid database.

    I have never used a solid database. However using openrowset is a simple as the examples outlined below:

    -- OpenRowset for Access Database

    SELECT A.*

    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',    'c:\MSOffice\Access\Samples\northwind.mdb';'admin';'mypwd', Orders)

        AS A


    -- OpenRowset for OLAP Server


    SELECT a.* FROM OpenRowset('MSOLAP','DATASOURCE=myOlapServer; USER ID=; PASSWORD=;Initial Catalog=FoodMart;',

    'SELECT Measures.members ON ROWS,

     [Product Category].members ON COLUMNS

     FROM [Sales]') as a


    I quickly reviewed the Solid Programmers Guide (Version 4) and noted that OLE DB is supported. For further information in relation to openrowset, refer to the SQL Server books on line.

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