Cannot connect to a database

  • Hi,

    Using Enterprise, I'm unable to connect to a database hosted on my hosting provider server. Using Access, I'm able to connect.

    Here is the error message I get :

    A connection could not be established to

    Reason : cannot open user default database '<ID>'. Using master database


    Please verify your SQL server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties.

    I tried a traceroute to the SQL server and the trace completed. So what could be the problem???

  • check to see if port 1434 is open as well. you can connect to it via 1433 with access I'm guessing.

  • lucg...try this

    c:\>telnet 1433

    Where is the IP address of the server and 1433 is the port number. There could be a number of reasons why you can't log in. The telnet command will at least tell you if you have connectivity to the Port on that server.

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Wait!! I read your message again. I'm guessing you are logging in with a user account that has a default database that it doesn't have access in.

    Check and see what the default database is for the login you are using, then check and see if that account has access (is a user in)to that database. I think this is your prob...

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Hi,

    Using telnet, I'm able to connect (on port 1433 not on port 1434). Does it matter if I'm not able to connect using port 1434?

    If the database server is hosted by my ISP, is there a way to know what the default database is for the login I am using or do I have to ask my ISP?

  • The uesr account you're using to log in to the server with... someone needs to change the default database What probably has happened is you were pointed at a database and then that database was dropped.

    As far as using telnet to connect to ports, if SQL Server is listening on TCP/1433 (the default), you can telnet to it. Unless you get a connection refused or some error like that, you know the SQL Server is up. That's about all the telnet will do for you.

    Telnet will not work connecting to port 1434. Reason being Telnet uses TCP. SQL Server listens on 1434, but it does so for UDP. UDP is a completely different protocol than TCP, hence no connection. Don't let that alarm you.

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • 100% with brian the Default database for the login used to connect was dropped! as amtter of fact on my enviromet all logins are mapped by default to tempdb so that this situation is avoided


    * Noel

  • Thank you all for your help. Looks you know more than my hosting provider who told me the problem was on my end!!!

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