ColdFusion and SQL

  • Yes, this is probably a question for a ColdFusion thread, but here goes anyway:


    When doing this:

    <cfset state = "PA">

    <cfset sqlstring = "select * from states where state = '#state#' ">

    <cfquery name = "getstate" datasource = "ds">




    select * from states where state = ''PA''

    (by the way, ''PA'' is a double single quoted string in the query: Big NO-NO)





  • Yep... that's a wierd one. Just ttried it and I get the same. I've been writing in ColdFusion for nearly 5 years now and never noticed that before. Probably because...

    Creating the SQL string in a local variable is a very ASP thing to do. Using ColdFusion you can simply write:

    <cfset state = "PA">

    <cfquery name="getstate" datasource="ds">

    SELECT * FROM states WHERE state = '#state#'


    However, if "state" is being submitted via a URL parameter then this exposes a possible security hole. If your database isn't locked down as tight as you can get it then people who know what they are doing can delete the content from a table or even drop a table completely. You can combat this using:

    <cfparam name="URL.state" default="">

    <cfquery name="getstate" datasource="ds">

    SELECT * FROM states WHERE state = <cfqueryparam value="URL.state" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxLength="2">


    Using CFQUERYPARAM allows you to specify exactly what the database can receive, in this case a varchar/nvarchar parameter that is a maximum of 2 charachters long. Just change "maxLength" to the maximum possible length of the "state" field in your database.

    You can extend this further buy using <CFTRY> & <CFCATCH> around your query block to redirect a user to an error page if the parameter supplied in the URL string is outside the specification in the <CFQUERYPARAM> tag... but that's a bit more involved and after all, this is a SQL forum. ;¬)

    Hope this answers your question.



  • You're probably working with MX which automatically escapes single quotes within <CFQUERY> tag (by adding another single quote).


  • Greasham...good call on the ASP thing; that's what I usually write in. I did figure out what to do in that case (and yes, lxz20, it is MX). There is an MX function called PreserveSingleQuotes() which i used to fix this. Thanks for your help guys.

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