Open source SQL database engine/Linux

  • Greetings,

    One of the things our company does is answer RFPs. One of the RFP's that came across my bosses desk stated that there is a need to use an 'Open Source SQL Database engine' that runs on Linux.

    Now I know MS SQL, and I know of the existance of Sybase and Oracle. So what would an open source sql database consist of? MySQL?

    The whole crux of it is we're a MSSQL house. This is a government mandate for this particular municipality so we either need to embrace this (which we cant) or tell them WHY they should go with a Microsoft philosophy.

    Any arguments that I can make either way?



  • The only reason to reply to an RFP you're not proposinging on is to insure you get future RFP's from that source. They're Linux, you don't do Linux, why reply? Will they want to hear why they should chage OS's? I doubt it.

  • quote:

    Now I know MS SQL, and I know of the existance of Sybase and Oracle. So what would an open source sql database consist of? MySQL?

    This one might help you


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You could have a look at :

    - MySQL : one of the biggest around. Is good for performance, but rather scarse in functionality (no views, stored procs, ...)

    - PostGRE : never tried it. Does have more functionality than MySQL

    - FireBird : spin-off from the InterBase product from Borland. Heard great things about it. Lots of features, don't know about performance.

  • rtompkins hit it on the head. After I posted my original msg I went in to my boss to ask him what he was thinking. Long and short of that conversation is 'we dont doit'.

    Thanks for the link onthe db's in general though, good reading 🙂



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