• help need fix my code

    on this line

    WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mhkx +')


    DECLARE @yeara [varchar](4)

    DECLARE @month1 [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @day1 [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @mydate1 [datetime]

    DECLARE @HOFSH [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @nan [varchar](10)

    DECLARE @mhkx VARCHAR(10)

    DECLARE @mhkxa VARCHAR(50)

    SET @mhkx = '1,2'

    SET @yeara='2003'

    SET @month1='10'

    SET @nan=''

    SET @HOFSH ='7'

    Set @day1 ='1'

    SET @mhkxa = 'WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mhkx +')'

    set @mydate1 = CONVERT([datetime],@day1 + '/'+ @month1 + '/' + @yearA,103)


    [yom1] =


    WHEN (id IN

    (SELECT id

    FROM sn

    WHERE (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 >= @mydate1) AND (fld4 <= @mydate1) OR

    (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 <= @mydate1) AND (fld4 >= @mydate1) OR

    (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 >= @mydate1) AND (fld1 <= @mydate1)))


    ELSE @nan

    END ,

    ---EXEC sp_executesql @sqlCmd

    dbo.SilokE.Fname,, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka,dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    FROM dbo.SilokE INNER JOIN

    dbo.mhlkot ON dbo.SilokE.mhlka = dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    + @mhkxa

    ORDER BY mhlkot.mhlka_id,fname


    thnks ilan

  • Kind of hard to debug this without the table structure but I think what you need to do is change the

    SET @mhkxa = 'WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mhkx +')'

    to be

    SET @mhkxa = ' AND mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mhkx +')'

    You also need to turn the "SELECT [yom..." statement into a variable string and then execute it using EXEC sp_executesql. Another thing is I don't know the type of the mhlkot.mhlka_id field. You may have to change the SET @mhkx line to have single quotes around each value.

    Finally there is another option and that is to create a temp table to hold the values you want in your in clause. Then simply join to that table.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Edited by - gljjr on 10/01/2003 3:47:30 PM

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • --I have modified ur Query,try this,

    DECLARE @yeara [varchar](4)

    DECLARE @month1 [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @day1 [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @mydate1 [datetime]

    DECLARE @HOFSH [varchar](2)

    DECLARE @nan [varchar](10)

    DECLARE @mhkx VARCHAR(10)

    DECLARE @mhkxa VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @sqlCmd VARCHAR(1000)

    SET @mhkx = '1,2'

    SET @yeara='2003'

    SET @month1='10'

    SET @nan=''

    SET @HOFSH ='7'

    Set @day1 ='1'

    SET @mhkxa = 'WHERE mhlkot.mhlka_id IN ('+ @mhkx +')'

    set @mydate1 = CONVERT([datetime],@day1 + '/'+ @month1 + '/' + @yearA,103)

    set @sqlCmd=


    [yom1] =


    WHEN (id IN (SELECT id FROM sn WHERE (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 >='+ @mydate1 +' ) AND (fld4 <=' + @mydate1+') OR

    (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 <='+ @mydate1 + ') AND (fld4 >='+ @mydate1 +') OR

    (fld2 = 7) AND (fld1 >='+ @mydate1 + ') AND (fld1 <='+ @mydate1 +')))

    THEN ' + @HOFSH + ' ELSE ' + @nan + '

    END , dbo.SilokE.Fname,, dbo.mhlkot.mhlka,dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id

    FROM dbo.SilokE INNER JOIN

    dbo.mhlkot ON dbo.SilokE.mhlka = dbo.mhlkot.mhlka_id ' + @mhkxa + ' ORDER BY mhlkot.mhlka_id,fname '

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlCmd

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